Table of Contents
Stardock Omega 31: New Modules
Created by Nytecode
Images archived by Pauli
Air Lock
All ships should have a large, dangerous airlock. Good for a variety of uses from loading and unloading cargo to cleaning out dust bunnies from those hard to reach areas.
Special Rules
Extraneous Module
A closed air lock counts as empty space for all purposes. An open airlock is, well, an open ai rlock. Ending movement on an open airlock square turns the character into an instant space walker.
Each phase an air lock is open forces characters in LOS to the fan to make an Athletics check vs 8 to avoid being sucked towards the air lock. The presence of each fan module on board will increase this check by one up to a maximum check of 11. The amount by of success determines how far the character can move. Failure indicates how many squares the character moves towards the air lock.
- Open Air Lock (Engineering skill vs
Opens the air lock. If this is done locally, the character taking this action avoids all penalties as long as they stay at the station (they strap in to avoid the suction.) The airlock does not actually open until the Grenade Detonation phase.
- Close Air Lock (Engineering skill vs
Closes the air lock, canceling all effects from it being open. Unlike opening, closing happens immediately.
Place for plays/movies. Great place to meet the alien opera singer who is smuggling some artifacts inside her.
Special Rules
Extraneous Module
Quad sized Module
Low Cover The chairs are considered low cover.
Big Red Button
Sometimes the ship cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands. For this, some ships are equipped with a self-destruct mechanism.
Special Rules
The Big Red Button room is the control room for a small nuclear self destruct bomb. When armed (skill check of Rank versus 11,) the ship will detonate at the end of 6 phases. For each success over 11, the delay can be reduced down to a minimum of 2 phases.
The bomb can be paused by a Science check versus 11. A follow up Science check versus 11 will reset the timer. A paused timer can be restarted by a Rank check versus 11. A restarted timer continues with its original countdown.
When the bomb goes off, the ship doubles its explosion factor. If the ship explodes from external forces, add 2 to its explosion factor.
A ship can only have one Big Red Button module.
Briefing Room
Special Rules
There is a diplomacy battlestation available. Probably used for remote actions more than anything else until there are diplomacy skills to use.
Double sized Module
Low Cover The chairs and lecture table are considered low cover.
Criminals need to be transported/incarcerated somewhere. A Brig module is just the place. Brig modules are dual skill modules having a Science station and a Combat station.
Brig Battlestation Actions
The two battlestations in a brig module have different uses (hence the different skills.)
Science Station
The science station is used to control the teleporter inhibitor. To activate or deactivate the inhibitor is a Science skill check vs a target of 8. The inhibitor will start activated unless the scenario specifies otherwise. It can also be used to ask G?Is prisoner X in <a specified brig module>Gg questions at a difficultly equal to the number of modules away.
Combat Station
The combat station is used to open/close the restraint bars and to stun occupants. To open is a Combat skill check vs 11. To close is an automatic action. Stunning is also an automatic action. Roll as normal for Stun effects. These actions may be applied to either a single cell, or all of the cells.
Teleporter Inhibitor
The teleporter inhibitor acts as a level of shields against teleporting to or from the ship. Each brig module gives a +1 as long as there is at least one point of power to the shields (Canosian ships do not even need power to shields.) It also increases the range by one for Science questions relating to occupants of the ship. For instance, questions like G?Does the ship have prisoner 411?Gg or G?Is prisoner 411 in the first Brig module?Gg The inhibitor also prevents someone from teleporting or boarding inside a cell.
A brig contains four cells that each can contain one detainee. There is minimal life support for each detainee. Before you go getting the idea that you can add Brigs to get more crew, the minimal life support conditions cause severe fatigue. When released from a cell, the detainee suffers -3 to all stats including movement (the detainee still can move at least one square.) During the End of Round Bookkeeping, roll an Athletics check versus 11 to reduce the affects. Each success over 11 reduces the penalty by 1.
This module is your everyday ordinary bar. A place for crew and passengers to congregate and drink. Bar fights will also break out. Beware of Psions wielding E-Blades, though. Someone is bound to lose a hand.
Special Rules
Special Rules
Extraneous Module
Quad sized Module
Low Cover The chairs are considered low cover.
Come on now, you all know this serves no purpose other than looks cool and is a place for bad guys to fall into and characters to have to swing across.
Special Rules
Extraneous Module
Moving/falling into the chasm is instant death with the same effects of being hit be a disintigrator with no chance of a save. A chasm can be crossed using a jet-pack or by a Whistler's puff move action as long as movement does not end over the chasm (killer downdrafts and such.) The chasm does not block LOS.
A bridge can be deployed across the center (between grid 3 and grid 4) from either battlestation with an Engineering skill check vs 8. The bridge may then be used to cross the chasm (as long as it stays deployed.) Retracting the bridge is also an Engineering skill check of 8. Any character on the center square plummets to their demise. Characters on the other squares may make an Athletics skill check vs 11 to jump to an adjacent empty square or they fall to their doom.
Damage to the module will leave the bridge in the current state (either deployed or retracted.)
This module represents random machinery in a ship that hampers movement and can really, really hurt.
Special Rules
Extraneous Module The machinery in the module moves at random intervals making movement dangerous. Movement through the module is the same as for a slagged module. Also, movement in the module requires an Athletics check versus 8 + 1 per square moved to avoid getting hit. This is done the character's move action. If the check fails, take 1D6 damage (armor doesn't reduce this) for each amount failed by.
Chow Hall
Some ships have the luxury of a more refined dining area. This could be restricted to G?officers onlyGg on some ships.
Special Rules
Extraneous Module
Double sized Module
Low Cover The chairs are considered low cover.
Ships generate a large amount of trash. Certain solar systems have rules on the amount of debris that can be jettisoned so trash is often compacted together to reduce taxes. Plus, this is a cool way to squish people.
Special Rules
Extraneous Module
The two side hatches on the module are normally closed. To open or close them is an automatic action taken in an adjacent square. When the compactor is activated, they automatically close and cannot be opened until the compactor is deactivated. Movement in the module is the same as for a slagged module.
When the compactor is activated (Engineering vs 11) place the compactor counter in the squares closest to the battlestation. Each phase it moves one square away, making the free space a little smaller. Each time the bar moves, characters need to make an Athletics check vs 11 +3 per square moved or be squished (same effects as a Disintegrator.) After 4 phases, or an Engineering vs 11 the compactor shuts off. The bar is removed. If damaged, the bar stops where it is, resuming movement when repaired.
Conduits are power amplification systems. A level of amplification needs to be set before power is sent through it. The default is no power can pass though (dissipates into space.)
Special Rules
To set a level is an Engineering vs 8 for level 1 amplification. -3 to the skill check for each extra level (i.e. 11 for two times amplification.) The amplification level resets at the end of the round.
If the conduit is damaged, the amplification level resets to 0. Due to the hazardous nature of conduits, they are at 1+power multiplier for damage when hit. For example, level 3 power amplification is a +4 to damage.
Simple passageways between modules. Treat like Empty modules except that there are the standard airlocks between modules and there is better bracing so the Big open spaces rule doesn't apply, either. These are also not limited in quantity.
Sometimes a big piece of iron is needed to open up the enemy ship. The Crowbar is a linear accelerator designed to throw a very dense alloy rod at a ship. a built in power amplifier (follows all the rules for Conduits.)
Special Rules
Double sized Module
Mega Weapon
Crowbars are along the beam weapons. They can only be fired directly in front of the ship. When fired, roll Power Level D6's. This is the speed of the projectile. It moves -+ this distance when fired. If it crosses paths with a ship, work out damage as for a collision for a Size 0 object and the current speed (so only do damage for the current speed.)
Cryosleep modules are for transporting beings in a state of suspended animation using much less life support.
Special Rules
Cryosleep modules are a form of life support. They allow 8 crew but the crew must be in the cryo modules most of the time. Anyone in cryo will need to be placed on one of the cryo tubes at the start of the mission. They cannot act or be attacked directly but they can take damage if the module is hit by weapons fire.
To wake someone is a SCI check versus 20, to wake everyone is a SCI check versus 30. The amount missed by is the number of phases before coming out of cryosleep. The minimal life support conditions cause severe fatigue. When released from cryosleep, the character suffers -3 to all stats including movement (you can still move at least one square.) During the End of Round Bookkeeping, roll an Athletics check versus 11 to reduce the affects. Each success over 11 reduces the penalty by 1.
This is just a simple, empty module. No real purpose other than to give a big, empty area for a firefight. Can be used for holding 2 spaces of cargo (not special cargo modules, though) or various other items (chairs, tables, bars, etc.)
Special Rules
There are five different types of empty modules with a number of walls. When there are no walls, multiple modules can be placed next to one another for big, empty spaces (aren't you glad you requisitioned that jet-pack, now.) A slagged empty module hampers movement the same as a slagged Cargo Bay. OOC greater than 2 has an additional -1 movement modifier for all but jet-packs and puffs, since an empty module does not provide much in the way of supports for stabilizing a characters footing. Empty modules are not limited in quantity on a ship. More than 4 can be used on any ship.
Empty modules without walls that have an external facing are completely exposed to vacuum. Better have that EVA kit on.
Big open spaces
Adjacent empty modules suffer a similar problem as double and quad sized modules. The lack of bracing makes them more susceptible to damage. A grouping of 2 more more adjacent empty modules will all count as slagged when 1 and -+ damage markers (round down) are present. For example, a group of 3 empty modules will all count as slagged when there are 4 damage markers (2 slagged and one normally damaged.)
Special Rules
Extraneous Module
Stepping into one of the four corner squares has the same affect as a disintegrator beam with no chance of a save. They can be crossed using a jet-pack or by a Whistler's puff move action as long as movement does not end on them.
Generators are reactors that are attached to a specific system. The attached systems usually have amplifiers to multiply the amount of power the generator creates. Generators need to be pumped to generate power just like a Reactor but the power can only be used by the attached system.
Special Rules
Power generation from a generator is done the same as pumping an engine (ENGvs 8 to generate one point of energy, -3 per each extra point.) The power can only be used be the attached system. When a ship with a generator explodes, add one for each reactor to the size for explosion damage. Due to the hazardous nature of generator, they are at +2 for damage when hit. Generators do not need external facing.
Bigger version of a fighter bay for holding starships. Composed of multiple modules depending on how large of a ship (or ships) it is designed to carry.
The Hangar Bay and Hangar Entrance modules are similar to Empty Modules with respect to movement penalties for higher OOC. Hangar Bays are limited to twice the normal module limits while Hangar Entrances and Ops are limited to the normal limits. All three have sides that if external are open to space. The exception is the Hangar Entrance has an Airlock Energy Barrier on one side (the blue stripe.)
Special Rules
Hangar Ops is used to dock in and launch ships from the hangar. It is a Piloting skill of 5+size of ship to dock or launch a ship from the hangar. The tractor in Hangar Ops can be used to help guide the ship in or out. Each tractor lock gives a +3 bonus do the dock or launch roll.
Harem Room
Special Rules
Extraneous Module
Double sized Module
Low Cover The beds are considered low cover.
Opposite Sex Repellent Your chances for getting a member of the opposite sex to like you will drop for you using this module for anything other than a wicked trap or strange plot twist. This is a real life effect.
Creates an artificial G?worldGg for recreation/education purposes and to give the GM someplace fun to send the characters.
Special Rules
Extraneous Module
Double sized Module
Alternate World When the HRC is activated, a larger virtual world is created. This can be very large and basically is up to the GM to decide how big. People teleporting or disgorging from a boarding missile into an active HRC will be placed in a truly random location. Activating or deactivating the HRC is a Science vs 8. While active, no lethal damage can be inflicted. If a person is G?killedGg inside the HRC, they will be G?kicked outGg and will need to return to the battlestation and re-enter the virtual world (SCI vs 8.)
Some ships employ incinerators to reduce the level of trash on board. Of course, this trash may also refer to characters.
Special Rules
Extraneous Module
Movement in the module requires an Athletics check versus 8 + 1 per square moved to avoid getting hit. This is done the character's move action. Running only requires one check.
Any characters hit suffer effects as a Plasma Projector (core pg 27.)
Lightning Cannon
Special Rules
Mega Weapon
Counts range to target as double for to-hit calculation (range + speed.) On a hit, roll a number of dice equal to the power channelled + target's shields. Drop the highest dice equal to the target's shields. With the resulting dice, for each 5 or 6, reduce the power level of the target's shield by one. If the shields are reduced to 0 and there are still dice left over, roll an X/Y hit location for each left over dice. Roll from front/back and then roll from side to see which internal square is hit. If no module is hit, the ship takes 1 point of damage. If a module is hit, the ship takes a point of damage and a the module is damaged. Hyperdrives that are hit will lose an extra programming marker (so 2 total, 1 for being damaged and one for being hit with the Lightning Cannon.) Anyone in a hit module will take 1D6-2 damage. Armor does not protect against this type of damage.
Mega Beam
Special Rules
Mega Weapon
Does a beam attack with a number of dice equal to the amount of power channeled through it.
Mega-Cannons are a little harder to use and suffer a -3 to targeting.
Mega-Cannons cannot be used in multi-shot or long range mode and cannot be overloaded. Follows normal beam fire arcs.
Molecular Disruptor
(aka MD Device or Little Doctor)
This weapon uses the target's own mass against itself by creating a chain reaction where the molecules try to tear themselves apart from one another. The more mass a target has, the more damage potential. The beam is hard to focus limitting its range and uses more power than a cannon.
Special Rules
Double sized module
Requires 1 point of gun power for each hex to target. Calculate to hit like a cannon but count range double. Damage is worked out like a normal cannon but the beam power drops by one for each hex of range. In addition, subtract the target ship's size from its shield level to find the 'effective shield level'. If this number is greater than 0, work out damage as normal. If this number is negative, add one more dice to the beam damage for every negative level of effective shields. If a ship explodes from being hit by this, damage done to other ships is calculated the same way (subtracting size from shield.) A chain reaction may occur.
Some ships and installations have artificial scenic areas that are designed to help build morale. Of course, they are also great places for a fire-fight.
Special Rules
Double sized module
Extraneous module
Low Cover The tables are considered low cover.
PDS Cannon
As a counter to fighter and missile swarms, some navies have been deploying a a special-purpose rapid fire beam cannon for defending against missiles and fighters.
Special Rules
Uses one point of power from guns. Counts distance to target as double. A hit against a missile automatically destroys it. A hit against a fighter raises the damage level by one. Does not damage ships. Follows normal arc restrictions for cannon modules.
PSION Amplifier
Using some very strange equipment, this module boosts the ranges for psionic actions. The side effect is potential damage every time it is used.
Special Rules
Decreases the range for any psionic action to be 1 square away and eliminates the need for LOS (like the SEER ability.)
Deadly Feedback Every time the amplifier is used, a PSION skill check vs 11 needs to be made. For every point this is missed by, the user takes 1D6 of non-reducible damage (can be lucked.)
Treasure Item Cannot be requisitioned or bought.
Engines are not the only way to generate power. Reactors can provide power but do not automatically generate power during the power generation phase.
Special Rules
Power generation from a reactor is done the same as pumping an engine (ENGvs 8 to generate one point of energy, -3 per each extra point.)
When a ship with a reactor explodes, add one for each reactor to the size for explosion damage. Due to the hazardous nature of reactors, they are at +2 for damage when hit.
Reactors do not need external facing.
Stateroom/Captain's Quarters
Special Rules
The modules acts as life support for two crew members. The Captain's Quarters module has generic battlestations usable for any remote action.
If a crew member is in a stateroom during warp on a ship suffering overstressed life support, they can reduce the damage by a Science check versus 8. The number of successes over 8 is the reduction of damage.
Upgraded Captain's Quarters give a +1 when using the battlestation (reducing most remote operations to -2) Upgraded Staterooms come with very nice sheets (or the equivalent based on species) for the bed.
Teleport Gate
(aka Stargate)
Creates a point-to-point teleport from one gate to another gate. Beware of Egyptians on the other side.
Special Rules
Double sized module
The gate can only be used if on/in orbit around a moon or planet. There are no size restrictions since the gates create a point-to-point wormhole between themselves.
The gate needs to be programmed to connect to another gate. To program the gate is a SCI check versus 8 and places a used counter on the module.. Each used counter adds +3 to the target number. After the gate has 6 program markers, another SCI check versus 8 is needed to connect. Each phase the gate is open uses a point of power (can be from Helm, Guns, or Shields.) While active, movement into the gate (up the ramp) is continued on destination gate (down the ramp.) After the gate is connected, it is an automatic action to keep it open each phase (using a point of power.) The gate will automatically close if the action is not taken. The gate must stay open for at least one complete phase (cannot be open and closed the same phase.) The power is only expended on the ship that initiated the connection.
The gate can be locked with a SCI skill check versus 8. No movement in or out of the gate is allowed. An un-locked gate can be connected to with no restrictions.
Turbo Lift
On larger ships, moving around becomes time-consuming so they are equipped with omni-directional personal transportation conveyance rooms. Universally known as Turbo Lifts.
Special Rules
Operation is simple. Step into the desired battle station and spend a free action to move everything in adjacent squares to the same numbered battle station of any other empty Turbo Lift.
[n/a: Access denied]