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When you perform the ritual of prophecy, say whose future you wish to scry and offer up something linked to them, roll.

  • On a 10+, the player of the subject will ask you 3 questions, tell them what you see.
  • On a 7-9, you ask the subject 3 questions, and they will tell you what you see.

If you act to bring the Prophecy to pass, you have Advantage. If you act to stop the Prophecy, you have Disadvantage.

  • Who do I see my subject with?
  • What do I see my subject doing?
  • What is my subject feeling?
  • What danger, challenge, or misery do I see my subject facing?
  • What fortune do I see my subject enjoying?
factionpbta/play/moves/scrying.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/02 02:04 by