Gadgets of the Faction
- Sombras Que Corta [Major]— Available to Cousins and above that have undergone the bonding ritual. A shadow weapon may be hidden in the owner's shadow or may be held separate, it can never be dropped by the shadow. Shadow weapons are always melee weapons held in one hand. A cultist is bonded to the weapon of their choice for life (or at least for the lifetime of their shadow)
- Traits
- Natural Weapon [Minor] - Strength receives a +2 bonus when calculating damage dealt in close combat.
- Shadow [Major] - Shadow weaponry only exists in the gap between the universal time-frame, and the perceptive time-frame of the individual. The weapon is unaffected by things that do not cast shadows (including forcefields) and ignores armour.
- Restriction (only in shadow) [Minor] - The weapon can only be used in places where shadows can be cast against targets that have shadows.
- Cost: 2 Story Points
- The Grandfather's Knife [Special] — The strongest relic. An ordinary knife that was used by the Grandfather to cut off his own arm, removing the prisoner tattoo given him by the Great Houses. The knife includes The Grandfather's shadow. It can only be bonded to a witch who has no shadow. The Grandfather's Shadow has an infinity of weapons in its arsenal. The Cousin need merely drop what their shadow is holding and they can summon a new weapon appropriate to the battle (even if they don't know what the weapon is. In that case they can work it out very quickly). Unlike other shadow weapons, these can be missile weapons.
- Traits
- Morphing Natural Weapon [Major] - May summon any other weapon but must be dropped before another weapon can be summoned.
- Creates shadow [Minor] - Shadow weapons dropped remain as permanent shadows
- Shadow [Major] - Shadow weaponry only exists in the gap between the universal time-frame, and the perceptive time-frame of the individual. The weapon is unaffected by things that do not cast shadows (including forcefields) and ignores armour.
- Restriction (only in shadow) [Minor] - The weapon can only be used in places where shadows can be cast against targets that have shadows.
- Cost: 4 Story Points
faction/factiongadgets.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/03 21:43 by