| Academics | RPGs were the subject of my doctoral thesis or other major research work. |
| Art and craft I | I paint my own figurines or handouts. |
| Art and craft II | I make my own maps or terrain. |
| Art and craft III | I make my own 3D maps and props for games. |
| Athlete | Live action, baby! |
| Childcare I | Experienced GM. |
| Childcare II | I have created and educated the next generation of gamers. |
| Childcare III | As above, but I also find their anecdotes endearing. |
| Civics | I have used my gaming experience to real world advantage in a significant way. |
| Classical Literature | I own at least 3 different editions of the same game |
| Collector I | I must have all the published material for a setting |
| Collector II | I must have all the published material from this game company |
| Con Org I | I help organise cons. |
| Con Org II | I am chair of a con committee. |
| Con Org III | …and have been for five years or more. |
| Don Juan I | I have romantically seduced other NPCs on a regular basis. |
| Don Juan II | My personal libido is acted out in my character and has caused more than a few arguments among my game-mates. |
| Evangelist I | I convinced another person to become a gamer. |
| Evangelist II | I organised and created my current gaming group from non-gamers. |
| Health and Fitness | I bathe regularly, even while attending a gaming conventions too! |
| Jack of All Trades | I have played more than 10 role-playing systems |
| John Munch I | I've played the same character in 2 campaigns. |
| John Munch II | I've played the same character in 3 campaigns. |
| John Munch III | I've played the same character in 5 campaigns. |
| John Munch IV | I've played the same character in 10 campaigns. |
| Killer GM I | I have permanently killed a character before. |
| Killer GM II | I have permanently killed multiple characters in the same game before. |
| Killer GM III | There was an incident in one of my games where… it wasn't that pretty. |
| Lateral Thinker I | Other players always come to me when they can't figure out how to make their PC better, don't have any concept at all or just like the way that I do things. |
| Lateral Thinker II | they always end up consulting me first for plans. |
| Lateral Thinker III | The GM consults with me for ideas. |
| Logistics Officer I | I routinely supply snacks and other nourishment for starved gamers. |
| Logistics Officer I variant | I routinely supply snacks and other nourishment for starved gamers and I am the GM |
| Logistics Officer II | I routinely supply snacks, nourishment, and gaming supplies(papers, pencils, calculators), for those ill prepared souls at the table. |
| Logistics Officer II variant | I routinely supply snacks, nourishment, and gaming supplies(papers, pencils, calculators), for those ill prepared souls at the table and I am the GM |
| Logistics Officer III | I routinely supply snacks, supplies, AND sourcebooks for the people at the table who aren't even trying anymore. |
| Logistics Officer III variant | I routinely supply snacks, supplies, AND sourcebooks for the people at the table who aren't even trying anymore and I am the GM |
| Longevity I | I've gamed for at least 24 hours |
| Longevity II | I've gamed for at least 48 hours and would have gone longer if the others hadn't wussed out and called it a day. |
| Lumberjack I | 5 gaming trophies on my shelf. |
| Lumberjack I variant | GO they were earned at the same con. |
| Lumberjack II | 10 gaming trophies on my shelf. |
| Lumberjack II variant | GO they were earned at the same con. |
| Lumberjack III | 20 gaming trophies on my shelf. |
| Lumberjack III variant | GO they were earned at the same con. |
| Lumberjack IV | 50+ gaming trophies on my shelf. |
| Lumberjack IV variant | GO they were earned at the same con. |
| Master of Disguise I | I wear different hats for each NPC I play |
| Master of Disguise II | I even use puppets! |
| Master of Disguise III | People confuse me with my characters. |
| Mimic I | I orally provide every sound effect for the game. |
| Mimic II | I provide pre-recorded versions of the sound (sometimes delaying the game due to mis-cues). |
| Named Gamer I | I am known at my local cons. |
| Named Gamer II | I am known at interstate cons. |
| Named Gamer III | People talk about me even at the few cons I dont attend. |
| Pentathalon | I participate in RPGs, minatures games, board games, collectible card games and wargames |
| Polygamer | I play RPGs and boardgames |
| Roleplayer I | I play role-playing games with classes and levels, preferrably with random character generation |
| Roleplayer II | I play role-playing games without classes or levels, preferrably with non-random character generation |
| Roleplayer III | I play narrative or indie games |
| Roleplayer IV | I playtest role-playing game systems |
| Triathalon | I participate in RPGs, minatures games and collectible card games |
| Trophy I | I have a gaming award named after me. |
| Trophy II | I have a perpetual gaming trophy named after me. |
| Worldbuilder I | I have created a believable setting and world. |
| Worldbuilder II | GO including cultures, fashions and history |
| Worldbuilder III | GO including languages, economy, proverbs and heraldry |
| Writer/Artist I | I've written gaming material/illustrated for beer money. |
| Writer/Artist II | I'm regularly paid money for writing or illustrating games. |
| Writer/Artist III | I'm regularly paid a lot of money for writing or illustrating games. |
| Writer/Artist IV | People tell me anecdotes for games they don't know I wrote or compliment me on art they didn't know was mine. |