Double or Nothing!

She had it all…

Amberley decided she would get rich or die trying - literally! Setting off to rob a luxury liner single-handedly, she finds it is already being hit by pirates! In a rush of heroism and daring she instead defeats the pirates and saves the liner!

Kitty Smithson is on the liner at the time. When the pirates make their move, Kitty is in the wrong place at the wrong time and is captured! Making her escape, Kitty supports Amberley in taking over the bridge. The story is reported to play up Amberley's heroism (and omit the original plot).

Also on board is Alec Trevelian, at a party for actors, agents, producers and directors. Alec is clubbed and tortured, but Amberley distracts the guards allowing him to escape and throw the pirates overboard.