Table of Contents



                  | Pilot's cabin |
+---------------+ +-------+---------+ +---------------+
| Quarters      +-+ Access corridor +-+ Storage room  |
+---------------+ +------+-+--------+ +---------------+
                       _/   \_
    +---------------+ /       \ +---------------+
    | Airlock       +-         -+ Engine room   |
    +---------------+           +---------------+

Pilot’s cabin

An austere but functional area. Small in size, but large in gothic arches. A single high backed chair faces the control board on which various controls are inset. In one corner is the hologram projector for the warning bard.

The dominant colour throughout the room is black.


Ever hopeful, this cabin contains a king sized bed as well as a closet. The black walls have slightly less blinking lights than the rest of the ship because they keep you awake at night.

Access corridor

Tell tale lights on the sides of this black walled crossroads blink on and off. Giving feedback on the state of the ship and your location within it. It is even possible to summon a hologramatical map of the ship, but as it consists of just four rooms and an airlock, you've never really seen the point.

Storage room

Much like the rest of a Technomage ship, this room seems bigger on the outside than the inside. The walls are black as are most of the shelves. Luckily for your sanity the items stored here are not black.


Like most Technomage ships, the Airlock opens downwards with double doors. It is far more impressive than a standard set of double doors as you get to lower and raise yourself on your invisible levitation platform.

Engine room

This rather claustrophobic room is jammed with strange and exotic looking machinery. Black, silver and almost organic in style.