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Room Cards


Rooms receive 3 cards - a Type card, a Level card and a Special card.

  • Type
    • Fiendish Creation
      • Swarm — Number: 4 (if doubled, 😎 — Notes: No special abilities —
        Level AgiDexTouStrHltMov
        Low 0 2 1 3 2 3
        Medium1 2 0 3 3 5
        High 2 3 1 4 2 4
      • Mob — Number: 2 (if doubled, 4) — Notes: Characteristic Specialisation
        Low 1 3 1 3 3 4
        Medium1 3 2 4 4 5
        High 2 4 2 4 4 3
      • Giant — Number: 1 (if doubled, 2) — Notes: Special Power
        Low 1 3 1 3 6 3
        Medium2 4 2 4 10 2
        High 2 3 2 5 8 3
    • Trap (Event)
      • STR - Something falls on you or tries to crush you. Lose 1 Health if STR is less than 1/2/3
      • DEX - Something fast rushes at you. Lose 1 Health if DEX is less than 1/2/3
      • WP - The room is blocked with a magical psychic aura. Can only move in this room if WP is higher than 0/1/2
      • SKL - The room is a puzzle trap. Can only move in this room if SKL is higher than 0/1/2
    • Spook (Event)
      • Something creepy and unnatural. Everyone that has one or more villagers within line of sight an open door into this room room loses 1/2/3 morale through fear.
      • Strange violent wind. Every villager within line of sight an open door into this room that has STR less than 1/2/3 is pushed away from the room until they hit an object where they take 1 Health damage.
  • Level
    • Low
      • Low
      • Double Low - FC: twice as many, S & T: occurs twice
    • Medium
      • Medium
      • Double Medium - FC: twice as many, S & T: occurs twice
    • High
      • High
      • Double High - FC: twice as many, S & T: occurs twice
  • Special
    • Clue — The value of the clue is 1/2/3.
    • Unstoppable — If a fiendish creation, their move is now 1 and they can't be damaged except with a magic weapon. If a trap or spook, it effects everyone (except those with the correct special power), not just those in line of sight.
    • Fast — +1 Move (FC) Check is at -1 (T) Double damage (S)
    • Slow — -1 Move (FC) Check is at +1 (T) Only effects every second character (S)
    • Item
      • Magic weapon: Does an additional +1 damage in combat for the next 2/4/6 hits
      • Armour: Increases Toughness by 1 for the next 2/4/6 hits before being destroyed
      • Heavy Armour: Increases Toughness by 2 for the next 2/4/6 hits before being destroyed, reduces DEX and Move by 1. May only be carried or used by characters with a DEX and Move higher than 0.
      • Herbs: Heal all the health of 1/2/3 characters. Discard after use.

Deck Building

For each player, take-

  • 1 swarm, 1 mob and 1 giant fiendish creation card
  • 1 random event
  • 4 random level cards
  • 1 random item card
  • 1 clue card
  • 2 random other special cards
[n/a: Access denied]
games/board/stcroom.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/24 15:37 by