Legendary magic items

From http://www.timelessmyths.com/norse/

Aegishjalmar, helm of Awe

Balmung, sword of Siegfried

Blodgang, the sword of Heimir

Brísingamen, necklace of Freyja
Made by four dwarfs, known as the Brisings.

Dainsleif, sword of Hogni
Made by the dwarf, Dain
Must kill or taste blood when unsheathed before it can be re-sheathed again.

Draupner, Odin's Ring of Power
Created by the dwarf brothers, Brokk and Eiti.
The ring could create nine other gold rings

Ekkisax , sword of Ekka

Gjallahorn, horn of Heimdall

A magic silk ribbon of binding.

Gram, sword of Hildebrand

Grídarvöl, staff of Thor
Given by the giantess Grid

Gungnir, the spear of Odin
Made by the four sons of Ivaldi the dwarf.
Returns to user, never misses.

Hildigrim, Helmet of Thiðrek

Hrunting, sword of Unferth

Lagulf, sword of Hildebrand

Megingjarpar, belt of Thor
Given by the giantess Grid

Mimung, sword of Wayland

Made by the dwarf brothers, Brokk and Eiti
Lightning and thunder, returns to user, never misses, requires magical iron gloves to wield.

Nægling, sword of Beowulf

Naglhring, sword of Grim
Made by the dwarf Alfrek

Refil, the sword of Regin

Ridill and Rotti
Magical swords.

Shield of Nuodung

Skidbladnir, ship of Freyr
Made by the four sons of Ivaldi the dwarf.
Collapsible ship, fits in the pocket.

Sword of Freyr

Tarnkappe, the Cloak of Invisibility