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Character Sheets

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// Character Sheet creator for Wargrounds Canberra
// To be added- some images (to be sourced) as defaults - background, factions, space fillers and icons
// To be added- a player photo (part of the form input) and basic text
// Version 0.3 16/7/24 -
// Currently hosted at

// Path to our font file (relative to the location of this file)
$font = 'blackwoodcastle.ttf'; // for field names
$font_data = 'oldeenglish.ttf'; // for player data
// Path to images (relative to the location of this file)
$imagepath = 'data/media/wargroundscanberra/';
// Bacground image texture
$imageback = $imagepath.'another-rough-old-and-worn-parchment-paper.jpg';
$im2 = imagecreatefromjpeg("$imageback");

//defaults - to be overwritten by form inputs
$fontsize = 20;
$linespacing = round($fontsize*2);
$width = 530; // pixel size x of image
$height = 754; // size y of image

// array of default field names
$names = array(
"Player Name:",
"Character's Name:",
"Hair Colour:",
"Eye Colour:",
"Skin Colour:",
"Class & Tier:",
"School of Magic:",

$factions_images = array(
$factions_titles = array(
"The Clans",
"The Empire",
"The Horde",
"The Wardens");

// test data - note will need some error checking in future, probably warnings where field data is too long to fit
$player_data = array (
"Peter", "Cousin Curufea", "", "Human (?)","Natural","Natural","Natural","Mage (Tier 3)","Divine Caster","3","Bone Hearts","0"
// count number of field names
$numnames = count($names)-1;

// Create image
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);

// pick color for the text
$fontcolor = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);

// add background texture
imagecopyresized($image, $im2, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height,imagesx($im2), imagesy($im2));

// x,y coords for imagettftext defines the baseline of the text: the lower-left corner
// so the x coord can stay as 0 but you have to add the font size to the y to simulate
// top left boundary so we can write the text within the boundary of the image
$x = $fontsize; 
$y = $fontsize;
for ($count=0;$count<=$numnames;$count++) {
	$y=$y+$linespacing;  // increment by estimated line separation height
// Clunky bit to do positioning.  I'll just generate an array next time	
	if ($count==3||$count==7) $y=$y+$linespacing;  // blank lines to separate
	if ($count==9) { // right column
		$y= $linespacing*5;
		$x= round($width/2);
	if ($count==$numnames) { // centre the last text in the right column
		$text = $names[$count] . " 999"; // add possible length 
		$text_box = imagettfbbox($fontsize,0,$font,$text); // makes an array of co-ordinates for the text box
		// Get your Text Width and 
		$text_width = $text_box[2]-$text_box[0];
		$x = round(($width*2/3)-($text_width/2));  // middle of the right column minus half the size of the text
// Field names in blackwood castle font	
	imagettftext($image, $fontsize, 0, $x, $y, $fontcolor, $font, $names[$count]);
// Player data in olde english font
	$text_box = imagettfbbox($fontsize,0,$font,$names[$count]); // workout where the field name ends
	$text_width = $text_box[2]-$text_box[0]+round($fontsize/2);
	$text = $player_data[$count];
// Change the selected faction to readable text (and add faction logo)
	if ($count==9) {
		$text = $factions_titles[intval($player_data[$count])];
		$faction= $imagepath.$factions_images[intval($player_data[$count])];
		$im3 = imagecreatefromjpeg("$faction");
		imagecopyresized($image, $im3, $width-80, 120, 0, 0, 50, 50,imagesx($im3), imagesy($im3));
// Print the data
	imagettftext($image, $fontsize, 0, $x+$text_width, $y, $fontcolor, $font_data, $text);

// tell the browser that the content is an image
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
// output image to the browser

// delete the image resource 

To do

  • A form with default text for field names prefilled (but not as complex as the one in this link)
  • Images for the various bits
  • Possibly API use for wherever photos get stored (or just upload them) - may need to edit photos to fit
  • Variable sheet size - just scale everything to whatever is needed.
wargroundscanberra/character_sheet.1721096211.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/15 19:16 by curufea