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roleplaying:versailles:versaillespistols [2014/03/20 20:41] (current) – created - external edit
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 +======Duelling with Pistols======
 +| Go Back to ^ [[roleplaying:rulesversailles]] ^
 +=====How the Duel proceeds=====
 +At the start of the duel, it should be determined which type of pistol duel they wish to perform - a simultaneous duel, or a duel of turns.  For a duel of turns, a coin is tossed to see which duellist shoots first.
 +Both duellists choose their weapons.  Usually the offender chooses first.  The seconds then check the weapons to make sure they are suitably functional.
 +The seconds then pace out the distance between the duellists.  The standard distance is 10 paces from a middle point.  Usually after pacing, the second will place a sword as a marker for where the duellist should stand.  The number of paces can vary with the severity of the offence - becoming an increasingly shorter distance.  Any offence that is so minor that the paces would be more than 15 in number is not worth duelling over.
 +Once the duellists have reached their marks, they turn side-on.  
 +The offended party may declare the duel over at any time, even if the conditions of the duel have not been met (such as first blood, or wounding).
 +====The Simultaneous Duel====
 +Both duellists raise their guns.  The arbitrator tells them when to fire.  If both parties miss, the offended party may call for another shot, and if both parties miss then, a third time.
 +   - Each character draws the top card from the deck face down without looking.
 +   - Both characters then turn the cards face up at the same time.
 +   - For each card-
 +    * If the card is a major arcana card
 +      * lower than the number of paces, the shot misses.
 +      * higher than the number of paces minus the character's Agility, the shot is a flesh wound or graze.
 +      * higher than the number of paces, the shot hits.
 +    * If the card is a number card
 +      * higher than the character's Firearm's skill + Agility, the shot misses.
 +      * higher than the character's Firearm's skill, the shot is a flesh wound or graze.
 +      * lower than the number of paces divided by two (rounded up), the shot misses. (e.g. if ten paces are walked, a 4 or lower card will miss)
 +      * otherwise the shot hits.
 +  * **Note**: At any time during the firing, if anyone plays The Fool card, the pistol jams and does not fire.  Even if the shot would have hit.
 +   - Where the shot hits is determined by the suit of the card, how deadly by the number (the higher the number, the more deadly the wound)-
 +    * **Staves (Clubs)** - Lower Legs, knees and feet
 +    * **Swords (Spades)** - Groin, thigh and hips
 +    *  ''**Chalices (Hearts)**'' - Stomach and  chest
 +    *  ''**Coins (Diamonds)**'' - Head, shoulder or firing arm
 +    * Major Arcana - Firing party's choice as to location, if it isn't a flesh wound it will be a Critical Wound (see [[VersaillesInjury|Injury and Death]]) no matter what the Endurance of the target is.
 +====The Duel of Turns====
 +The duellist who won the toss raises his gun while the other duellist prepares to receive the blow.
 +  * Play proceeds as per the Simultaneous Duel except only the firing party draws and reveals a card.
 +  * If the receiving party is able to fire in return (depending on the severity of the wounding) they may then draw a card.  The GM may apply penalties depending on how wounded they are.