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  • Baron/Baronne - A baron (a later title) was originally a direct vassal of the king, or of a major feudal lord like a duke or a count.
  • Beliefs - Any convictions a character has. This can be something as simple as France is the greatest nation in the world: 4“ or something silly like “The King should never wear grey: 3”. Religious matters, political ideas and philosophy should all be expressed as Beliefs if the character has any opinions on the matter. A character should have at least three or more beliefs.”
  • Chatelain/Chatelaine - A castellan (ch+ótelain) was the commander in charge of a castle. A few castellanies survived with the title of sire“. ”
  • Chevalier - A knight.
  • Comte/Comtesse - A count (Latin comes, literally companion“) was an appointee of the king governing a city and its immediate surroundings, or else a high-ranking official in the king's immediate entourage (the latter called “palace counts” or “counts Palatine”).”
  • Duc/Duchesse - A duke/duchess (Latin dux, literally leader“) was the governor of a province, usually a military leader.”
  • Dauphin/Dauphine - The heir to the throne.
  • Marquis/Marquise - A marquis was a count who was also the governor of a march“, a region at the boundaries of the kingdom that needed particular protection against foreign incursions (margrave in German)”
  • Prince/Princesse - The son or daughter of the sovereign.
  • Roi/Reine - The king/queen (Latin rex) the sovereign.
  • Seigneur/Dame - A lord or lady. A member of a noble family that isn't a peer.
  • Vicomte/Vicomtesse - A viscount was the lieutenant of a count, either when the count was too busy to stay at home, or when the county was held by the king himself.

—- CategoryVersailles

roleplaying/versailles/versaillesglossary.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/13 00:39 by