Table of Contents
Kamarathin Equipment
c = Crown (100 Farthings) p = Pence (10 Farthings) f = Farthing d = Penny (0.1 Farthings) b = Bit (0.01 Farthings)
Name of item description (Price in Farthings) Price in coins of different denominations
Acid, Standard (650) 6c 5p
Acid, Strong (1050) 10c 5p
Acid, Weak (450) 4c 5p
Armillary (35000) 350c
Astrolabe (20000) 200c
Brazier, Large, Bronze (550) 5c 5p
Brazier, Large, Iron (400) 4c
Brazier, Small, Bronze (250) 2c 5p
Brazier, Small, Iron (150) 1c 5p
Censer (100) 1c
Mortar & Pestle (0.30) 3d
Bull (1200) 12c
Calf (300) 3c
Chicken (2) 2f
Cow (750) 7c 5p
Donkey (320) 3c 2p
Duck (4) 4f
Goat (500) 5c
Goose (7) 7f
Horse, Heavy (800) 8c
Horse, Light (450) 4c 5p
Horse, Medium (600) 6c
Lamb, Coarse Wool (150) 1c 5p
Lamb, Fine Wool (200) 2c
Mule (400) 4c
Ox (900) 9c
Pig, Suckling (40) 4p
Pig (250) 2c 5p
Pony (400) 4c
Sheep, Coarse Wool (350) 3c 5p
Sheep, Fine Wool (500) 5c
Swan (350) 3c 5p
Warhorse, Greater (7500) 75c
Warhorse, Lesser (2000) 20c
Clothing, Female
Caul Netted Cap ( 8f
Cloak, Fur-Lined (25) 2p 5f
Cloak, Fur-Lined (25) 2p 5f
Cloak, Hooded, Woolen (12) 1p 2f
Cloak, Woolen (9) 9f
Coat, Heavy Linen (18) 1p 8f
Coif, Linen (6) 6f
Coif, Woolen (3) 3f
Dress, Cloth (18) 1p 8f
Dress, Coarse (10) 1p
Dress, Exotic (70) 7p
Dress, Fine (35) 3p 5f
Dress, Kirtle (15) 1p 5f
Garters, Leather (1) 1f
Girdle, Leather (10) 1p
Gloves, Formal (20) 2p
Gloves, Fur-Lined (4) 4f
Gorget, Linen (6) 6f
Headwraps, Linen (12) 1p 2f
Hennin (10) 1p
Loincloth Simeret Design (3) 3f
Moccasins Kvonite Design (5) 5f
Robe, Sleeveless, Hooded, Woolen Matharian Design (12) 1p 2f
Shift, Linen (14) 1p 4f
Shift, Woolen (10) 1p
Shoes (Pattens) Wooden Overshoes (5) 5f
Shoes, Fine Leather (20) 2p
Shoes (5) 5f
Stockings, Linen (5) 5f
Stockings, Woolen (1) 1f
Wimple (4) 4f
Clothing, Male
Apron, Cloth (0.80) 8d
Apron, Leather ( 8f
Baldric (1.50) 1f 5d
Belt Pouch, Large (0.14) 1d 4b
Belt Pouch, Small (0.08) 8b
Belt, Fur (5.50) 5f 5d
Belt, Leather, Sword (1.40) 1f 4d
Belt, Leather (1) 1f
Boots, Formal (40) 4p
Breeches (6) 6f
Buckle, Brass (5) 5f
Buckle, Copper (0.60) 6d
Buckle, Gold (2000) 20c
Buckle, Iron (0.08) 8b
Buckle, Silver (180) 1c 8p
Cassock, Linen (22) 2p 2f
Cassock, Woolen (10) 1p
Cloak, Fur-Lined (25) 2p 5f
Cloak, Hooded, Fur-Lined (32) 3p 2f
Cloak, Hooded, Woolen (12) 1p 2f
Cloak, Woolen (9) 9f
Coat, Heavy Linen (18) 1p 8f
Coif, Linen (6) 6f
Coif, Woolen (3) 3f
Gloves, Formal (20) 2p
Gloves, Fur-Lined (4) 4f
Gorget, Linen (6) 6f
Hose, Linen (5) 5f
Hose, Woolen (1) 1f
Loincloth Simeret Design (3) 3f
Moccasins Kvonite Design (5) 5f
Robe, Sleeveless, Hooded, Woolen Matharian Design (12) 1p 2f
Shirt, Linen (6) 6f
Shirt, Woolen (3) 3f
Shoes (Pattens) Wooden Overshoes (5) 5f
Shoes (Poulaines) Long-Toed Shoes (0.50) 5d
Shoes, Fine Leather (20) 2p
Shoes (5) 5f
Slippers, Leather (3) 3f
Stirrup Pants, Linen ( 8f
Surcoat (9) 9f
Tabard (7) 7f
Tunic, Linen (7) 7f
Tunic, Woolen (4) 4f
Vest (4) 4f
Clothing, Religious
Belt, Beaded (3) 3f
Belt, Rope (0.02) 2b
Bishop's Miter (0.50) 5d
Robe, Linen (2) 2f
Robe, Ornate (15) 1p 5f
Robe, Woolen, Coarse (1) 1f
Robe, Woolen, Fine (1.80) 1f 8d
Sandals, Leather (4) 4f
Sandals, Rope (0.07) 7b
Shift, Linen (14) 1p 4f
Amphora 12 Gallons (2) 2f
Backpack, Canvas, Large (10) 1p
Backpack, Canvas, Medium (7) 7f
Backpack, Canvas, Small (5) 5f
Backpack, Leather, Large (7) 7f
Backpack, Leather, Medium (4) 4f
Backpack, Leather, Small (2) 2f
Barrel 12 Gallons (12) 1p 2f
Barrel 25 Gallons (20) 2p
Barrel 50 Gallons (40) 4p
Barrel 100 Gallons (100) 1c
Beaker, Glass 1 Pint (450) 4c 5p
Bottle, Glass 1 Quart (650) 6c 5p
Bottle, Pottery 1 Quart (0.40) 4d
Bucket, Canvas 5 Gallons (30) 3p
Bucket, Canvas 1 Gallon (10) 1p
Bucket, Leather 1 Gallon (0.50) 5d
Bucket, Leather 5 Gallons (1) 1f
Bucket, Wooden 5 Gallons (0.30) 3d
Bucket, Wooden 1 Gallon (0.20) 2d
Canteen 1 Pint (0.20) 2d
Canteen 2 Pints (0.50) 5d
Canteen 1 Gallon (1) 1f
Chest, Large, Wood & Iron 2' x 2' x 3' (55) 5p 5f
Chest, Large, Wood & Leather 2' x 2' x 3' (30) 3p
Chest, Medium, Wood & Iron 18“ x 18” x 24“ (45) 4p 5f
Chest, Medium, Wood & Leather 18” x 18“ x 24” (20) 2p
Chest, Small, Wood & Iron 1' x 1' x 2' (32) 3p 2f
Chest, Small, Wood & Leather 1' x 1' x 2' (10) 1p
Crock, Pottery 5 Gallons (0.40) 4d
Jar, Glass 8 Ounces (150) 1c 5p
Jar, Glass 1 Pint (4) 4f
Jar, Glass 1 Quart ( 8f
Jar, Glass 1 Gallon (40) 4p
Jar, Pottery 8 Ounces (0.16) 1d 6b
Jar, Pottery 1 Pint (0.03) 3b
Jar, Pottery 1 Quart (0.05) 5b
Jar, Pottery 1 Gallon (0.20) 2d
Sack, Large (5) 5f
Sack, Small (3) 3f
Vial, Glass 4 Ounces (60) 6p
Vial, Pottery 4 Ounces (0.08) 8b
Vial, Tin 4 Ounces (0.20) 2d
Waterskin 1 Gallon (3) 3f
Waterskin 5 Gallons (7) 7f
Cooking & Eating
Bowl, Large, China 1 Quart (50) 5p
Bowl, Large, Pewter 1 Quart (0.60) 6d
Bowl, Large, Pottery 1 Quart (0.30) 3d
Bowl, Large, Wooden 1 Quart (0.08) 8b
Bowl, Small, China 1 Pint (20) 2p
Bowl, Small, Pewter 1 Pint (0.20) 2d
Bowl, Small, Pottery 1 Pint (0.10) 1d
Bowl, Small, Wood 1 Pint (0.06) 6b
Cauldron, Iron, Large 50 Gallons (30) 3p
Cauldron, Iron, Medium 20 Gallons (15) 1p 5f
Cauldron, Iron, Small 10 Gallons (7.50) 7f 5d
Drinking Horn, Ornate 1 Pint (20) 2p
Drinking Horn, Plain 1 Pint (0.40) 4d
Fork, Gold, 2-tined (1200) 12c
Fork, Pewter, 2-tined (0.07) 7b
Fork, Silver, 2-tined (100) 1c
Goblet, Crystal 1 Pint (1250) 12c 5p
Goblet, Glass 1 Pint (750) 7c 5p
Goblet, Gold 1 Pint (2000) 20c
Goblet, Silver 1 Pint (60) 6p
Kettle, Iron, Large 5 Gallons (5.50) 5f 5d
Kettle, Iron, Small 3 Gallons (3.50) 3f 5d
Knife, Gold (1500) 15c
Knife, Pewter (0.09) 9b
Knife, Silver (100) 1c
Ladle, Pewter (0.08) 8b
Ladle, Silver (80) 8p
Ladle, Wooden (0.30) 3d
Mug, Pewter 1 Pint (0.20) 2d
Mug, Pottery 1 Pint (0.10) 1d
Mug, Silver 1 Pint (60) 6p
Mug, Wooden 1 Pint (0.02) 2b
Pan, Iron, Large (0.80) 8d
Pan, Iron, Small (0.60) 6d
Pitcher, China 2 Quarts (120) 1c 2p
Pitcher, Pewter 2 Quarts (3) 3f
Pitcher, Pottery 2 Quarts (5) 5f
Pitcher, Silver 2 Quarts (200) 2c
Pitcher, Wooden 2 Quarts (0.30) 3d
Platter, Pewter, Large (0.30) 3d
Platter, Pewter, Small (0.10) 1d
Platter, Silver, Large (1200) 12c
Platter, Wooden, Large (0.04) 4b
Platter, Wooden, Small (0.03) 3b
Pot Hanger, Large (3.50) 3f 5d
Pot Hanger, Medium (1.50) 1f 5d
Pot Hanger, Small (0.80) 8d
Pot, Iron, Large 1 Gallon (2.50) 2f 5d
Pot, Iron, Medium 1 Quart (1) 1f
Pot, Iron, Small 2 Pints (0.70) 7d
Salt Cellar, Gold (7500) 75c
Salt Cellar, Pewter (60) 6p
Salt Cellar, Silver (800) 8c
Spit, Large (4.20) 4f 2d
Spit, Mechanical (1500) 15c
Spit, Portable (1.20) 1f 2d
Spit, Small (2) 2f
Spoon, Gold (800) 8c
Spoon, Pewter (0.08) 8b
Spoon, Silver (80) 8p
Spoon, Wooden (0.01) 1b
Trencher, Pewter, Large (0.12) 1d 2b
Trencher, Pewter, Small (0.09) 9b
Trencher, Wooden, Large (0.03) 3b
Trencher, Wooden, Small (0.02) 2b
Ale 1 Pint (0.02) 2b
Apple Cider, Fermented 1 Pint (0.03) 3b
Apple Cider, Fresh 1 Pint (0.01) 1b
Apples, Dried, Bushel (1.40) 1f 4d
Beans, Dried, Bushel (0.20) 2d
Beef, Jerked (0.20) 2d
Beef, Salted (2) 2f
Beef, Smoked (0.70) 7d
Beer, Double 1 Pint (0.03) 3b
Beer, Small 1 Pint (0.01) 1b
Beer 1 Pint (0.02) 2b
Bitter 1 Pint (0.03) 3b
Black Bread (0.03) 3b
Brandy 1 Pint (0.30) 3d
Butter, Salted (1.50) 1f 5d
Cheese, Average (0.08) 8b
Cheese, Fine (0.15) 1d 5b
Cheese, Poor (0.03) 3b
Cloves, 4 oz. (20) 2p
Fish, Dried (0.10) 1d
Fish, Salted (0.20) 2d
Garlic, 4 oz. (5) 5f
Hardtack (0.10) 1d
Honey (1600) 16c
Lard (1) 1f
Lentils, Bushel (0.20) 2d
Mead 1 Pint (0.50) 5d
Mint, 4 oz. (3) 3f
Mustard Seed, 4 oz. (5) 5f
Nutmeg, 4 oz. (20) 2p
Nuts, Bushel (0.04) 4b
Olive Oil 1 Gallon ( 8f
Parsley, 4 oz. (1) 1f
Pepper, 4 oz. (1600) 16c
Pork, Salted (1.20) 1f 2d
Pork, Smoked (0.70) 7d
Rosemary, 4 oz. (30) 3p
Saffron, 4 oz. (500) 5c
Sage, 4 oz. (18) 1p 8f
Salmon, Smoked (0.30) 3d
Salt (5) 5f
Stout 1 Pint (0.03) 3b
Sugar (50) 5p
Thyme, 4 oz. (0.70) 7d
Trencher, Bread (0.10) 1d
Vinegar (0.01) 1b
Waybread (0.06) 6b
Whiskey 1 Pint (0.50) 5d
Wild Berries, Dried, Bushel (0.60) 6d
Wine, Average 1 Pint (0.06) 6b
Wine, Excellent 1 Pint (0.15) 1d 5b
Wine, Fine 1 Pint (0.08) 8b
Wine, Perfumed 1 Pint (1.80) 1f 8d
Wine, Poor 1 Pint (0.04) 4b
Bed Curtains, Linen, Ornate (750) 7c 5p
Bed Curtains, Linen, Plain (500) 5c
Bed Curtains, Linen, Plain (500) 5c
Bed Curtains, Woolen, Ornate (350) 3c 5p
Bed Curtains, Woolen, Plain (20) 2p
Bed, Large 8' x 8' (12) 1p 2f
Bed, Medium 5' x 6' (1.50) 1f 5d
Bed, Small 3' x 6' (0.80) 8d
Bed, State 10' x 10' (1250) 12c 5p
Bench, Wooden, 2-Person 1' x 4' (0.13) 1d 3b
Bench, Wooden, 4-Person 1' x 8' (0.30) 3d
Bench, Wooden, 6-Person 1' x 12' (0.50) 5d
Bird Cage, Wooden (1.50) 1f 5d
Blanket, Heavy (3) 3f
Blanket, Light (2) 2f
Book Case 3' x 5' x 1' (0.80) 8d
Book Stand (0.30) 3d
Brush, Grooming (2) 2f
Candelabra, Bronze (26) 2p 6f
Candelabra, Gold (35000) 350c
Candelabra, Pewter (1.50) 1f 5d
Candelabra, Silver (3000) 30c
Candelabra, Wooden (0.80) 8d
Candle, Tallow Lasts 2 Hours (0.03) 3b
Candle, Wax Lasts 4 Hours (10) 1p
Carpet, Coarse 5' x 10' (5) 5f
Carpet, Exotic 5' x 10' (600) 6c
Carpet, Fine 5' x 10' (35) 3p 5f
Chair, Wooden, Ornate (20) 2p
Chair, Wooden, Plain (0.60) 6d
Chandelier, Bronze (1000) 10c
Chandelier, Wood (34) 3p 4f
Comb (0.10) 1d
Feather Mattress (20) 2p
Metal Hand Mirror (25) 2p 5f
Rushlight 1 Hour (0.01) 1b
Seat Cushion, Fine (1.50) 1f 5d
Seat Cushion, Ornate (24) 2p 4f
Seat Cushion, Plain (0.10) 1d
Shaving Razor (5) 5f
Sheets, Linen (140) 1c 4p
Sheets, Woolen (50) 5p
Sleeping Furs, Heavy (7.50) 7f 5d
Sleeping Furs, Light (5) 5f
Sleeping Straw 1 Weeks Worth (0.01) 1b
Soap, Coarse (0.70) 7d
Soap, Perfumed (2.50) 2f 5d
Stool, Wooden (0.06) 6b
Table, Wooden, Large 4' x 12' (10) 1p
Table, Wooden, Medium 4' x 8' (0.70) 7d
Table, Wooden, Small 3' x 3' (0.50) 5d
Tapestry, Coarse 4' x 6' (20) 2p
Tapestry, Exotic 4' x 6' (2000) 20c
Tapestry, Fine 4' x 6' (50) 5p
Tapestry, Ornate 4' x 6' (300) 3c
Torch Stand (0.40) 4d
Tub, Wooden 25 Gallons (20) 2p
Water Clock (7500) 75c
Window Pane, Glass, Stained Size, cost and weight will generally vary (5000) 50c
Window Pane, Glass 6“ x 6” (500) 5c
Basin, Bleeding 1 Quart (0.08) 8b
Bleeding Lancet (2) 2f
Book, Medical (2000) 20c
Cranial Drill (4) 4f
Crutches (0.20) 2d
Eyeglasses (100) 1c
Flat Probe, Bronze (40) 4p
Hook, Bronze (80) 8p
Hook, Steel (350) 3c 5p
Knife, Surgical (5) 5f
Lancet, Bleeding (2) 2f
Leeches 50 contained in 1 pint of water (2) 2f
Linen Bandage (1) 1f
Mortar & Pestle (0.30) 3d
Pegleg, Ivory (100) 1c
Pegleg, Wooden ( 8f
Saw, Amputation (3.50) 3f 5d
Surgical Scissors, Bronze (150) 1c 5p
Suturing Needle, Curved (3) 3f
Syringe, Bronze & Gut (350) 3c 5p
Thread 50 Yards (0.20) 2d
Tongue Depressor, Bronze (20) 2p
Tooth Wrench (3) 3f
Wire, Gold 50' (500) 5c
Wire, Silver 50' (40) 4p
10' Pole (20) 2p
Brush, Cleaning (2) 2f
Brush, Grooming (2) 2f
Brush, Hair (5) 5f
Chess Set, Ornate (150) 1c 5p
Chess Set, Standard (20) 2p
Comb (0.10) 1d
Dice, Pair, Clear ( 8f
Dice, Pair, Loaded (4) 4f
Dice, Pair (0.20) 2d
Flag, Large 3' x 5' (100) 1c
Flag, Small 18“ x 36” (50) 5p
Map Case, Leather (10) 1p
Map, Continent 20“ x 30” (300) 3c
Map, Known World 20“ x 30” (600) 6c
Map, Local 20“ x 30” (30) 3p
Map, National 20“ x 30” (100) 1c
Map, Regional 20“ x 30” (50) 5p
Spyglass (15000) 150c
Stilts 7' Tall (25) 2p 5f
Walking Stick (2) 2f
Musical Instruments
Aeolian Harp Chordophone (250) 2c 5p
Bagpipes Aerophone (100) 1c
Bell, Church Idiophone (120) 1c 2p
Bells Idiophone (4) 4f
Castanets Idiophone (0.40) 4d
Chimes Idiophone (10) 1p
Cittern Chordophone (100) 1c
Cymbals Idiophone (35) 3p 5f
Drum Membranophone (1.50) 1f 5d
Dulcimer Chordophone (230) 2c 3p
Fiddle Chordophone (140) 1c 4p
Fife Aerophone (0.80) 8d
Harp, Large Chordophone (160) 1c 6p
Harp Chordophone (80) 8p
Hunting Horn Aerophone (20) 2p
Hurdy-Gurdy Hurdy-Gurdy (100) 1c
Jew's Harp Chordophone (0.40) 4d
Kettle Drum Membranophone (35) 3p 5f
Lute Chordophone (120) 1c 2p
Lyre Chordophone (90) 9p
Mandolin Chordophone (90) 9p
Ocarina Aerophone (0.12) 1d 2b
Pan Pipes Aerophone (0.80) 8d
Rattle Idiophone (0.03) 3b
Recorder Aerophone (9) 9f
Sackbut Aerophone (250) 2c 5p
Sitar Chordophone (100) 1c
Tabor Membranophone (0.80) 8d
Tambourine Membranophone (9) 9f
Triangle Idiophone (1.20) 1f 2d
Trumpet, Fanfare Aerophone (60) 6p
Viol Chordophone (240) 2c 4p
Xylophone, Metal Idiophone (140) 1c 4p
Xylophone, Wooden Idiophone (40) 4p
Zither Chordophone (220) 2c 2p
Outdoor Survival
Blanket, Heavy (3) 3f
Blanket, Light (2) 2f
Camp Bed, Cloth & Wood (150) 1c 5p
Camp Bed, Leather & Wood (350) 3c 5p
Candle, Tallow Lasts 2 Hours (0.03) 3b
Candle, Wax Lasts 4 Hours (10) 1p
Fire Starting Bow (5) 5f
Fish Hook & Line (0.10) 1d
Fish Trap (3) 3f
Fishing Net, Large (80) 8p
Fishing Net, Small (50) 5p
Flint & Steel (10) 1p
Hammock, Canvas (300) 3c
Hammock, Leather (6) 6f
Lamp (5) 5f
Lantern (12) 1p 2f
Oil, Lamp 1 Pint (1) 1f
Pavilion (1000) 10c
Sleeping Furs, Heavy (7.50) 7f 5d
Sleeping Furs, Light (5) 5f
Tent, Canvas, 2-Man (120) 1c 2p
Tent, Canvas, 4-Man (240) 2c 4p
Tent, Canvas, 8-Man (500) 5c
Tent, Leather, 2-Man (70) 7p
Tent, Leather, 4-Man (150) 1c 5p
Tent, Leather, 8-Man (250) 2c 5p
Tinderbox (0.30) 3d
Torch Lasts 1 Hour (0.10) 1d
Altar Cloth, Ornate 6' x 3' (250) 2c 5p
Altar Cloth, Plain 6' x 3' (1.40) 1f 4d
Aspergill, Bronze (25) 2p 5f
Aspergill, Gold (20000) 200c
Aspergill, Silver (3500) 35c
Bishop's Ring (5000) 50c
Censer (100) 1c
Chalice, Ornate 1 Pint (150) 1c 5p
Chalice, Plain 1 Pint (0.20) 2d
Holy Symbol (1) 1f
Incense (30) 3p
Prayer Beads (0.20) 2d
Reliquary (2500) 25c
Snuffing Bell (0.50) 5d
Balance Weights (20) 2p
Balance (120) 1c 2p
Bindery Glue 1 Pint (0.30) 3d
Book Covers (1.50) 1f 5d
Book, Religious (1000) 10c
Book, Scholarly (2000) 20c
Chalk, 10 Pieces (0.03) 3b
Counter Boards (1.50) 1f 5d
Gold Leaf 6“ x 6” sheet (25) 2p 5f
Hourglass (400) 4c
Ink, Black 1 Pint (1.50) 1f 5d
Ink, Colored 1 Pint (15) 1p 5f
Inkwell, Horn (0.60) 6d
Inkwell, Silver (100) 1c
Inkwell, Tin (10) 1p
Jettons (20) (0.19) 1d 9b
Minute Glass (200) 2c
Paint 1 Pint (0.70) 7d
Paper 30“ x 40” (8.50) 8f 5d
Parchment 30“ x 40” (6.50) 6f 5d
Personal Seal, Bronze ( 8f
Personal Seal, Gold (5000) 50c
Personal Seal, Silver (500) 5c
Portable Writing Case (250) 2c 5p
Quill Pens (0.80) 8d
Scrolls, Papyrus (1500) 15c
Scrolls, Parchment (1000) 10c
Sealing Wax 4 Ounces (150) 1c 5p
Vellum 30“ x 40” ( 8f
Writing Brush (0.10) 1d
Writing Tablet, Slate (60) 6p
Writing Tablet, Wax (400) 4c
====Sewing==== Sewing
Cloth, Coarse 6' x 50' (30) 3p
Cloth, Exotic 6' x 50' (1500) 15c
Cloth, Fine 6' x 50' (600) 6c
Cloth, Normal 6' x 50' (150) 1c 5p
Needle (1.20) 1f 2d
Pin (0.40) 4d
Shears (6) 6f
Thread, Colored 50 Yards (3) 3f
Thread 50 Yards (0.20) 2d
Wire, Gold 50' (500) 5c
Wire, Silver 50' (40) 4p
Thieves & Spies
Caltrops (20) (0.10) 1d
Chisel, Cold (6) 6f
Crowbar, Heavy ( 8f
Crowbar, Standard (6) 6f
Grappling Hook (12) 1p 2f
Lock, Average (40) 4p
Lock, Complex (70) 7p
Lock, Simple (20) 2p
Lockpicks, Average (10) 1p
Lockpicks, Fine (50) 5p
Lockpicks, Poor (6) 6f
Metal File, Large (17) 1p 7f
Metal File, Large (17) 1p 7f
Metal File, Medium (12) 1p 2f
Metal File, Small ( 8f
Padlock, Average (23) 2p 3f
Padlock, Complex (90) 9p
Padlock, Simple (12) 1p 2f
Purse-Cutter, Blade (24) 2p 4f
Rope, Light, 50' (0.40) 4d
Rope, Standard, 50' (0.60) 6d
Rosin (4) 4f
Tools & Machines
Adze (2.50) 2f 5d
Anvil, Heavy, Portable (300) 3c
Anvil, Light, Portable (200) 2c
Anvil, Standard (500) 5c
Auger (2.50) 2f 5d
Awl (1.50) 1f 5d
Bellows, Portable (0.20) 2d
Bellows, Standard (5) 5f
Blast Furnace (7500) 75c
Block & Tackle (70) 7p
Bow Drill (0.30) 3d
Brace & Bit (Hand Drill) (50) 5p
Branding Iron (0.80) 8d
Brush (0.20) 2d
Carding Comb (0.10) 1d
Carpenter's Square (0.60) 6d
Chain (per Foot) (20) 2p
Chain, Heavy (per Foot) (50) 5p
Chain, Measuring (35) 3p 5f
Chisel, Cold (6) 6f
Chisel, Masonry (4) 4f
Chisel, Wood (4) 4f
Crowbar, Heavy ( 8f
Crowbar, Standard (6) 6f
Drill Bits, Iron (4) 4f
Drill Bits, Steel (50) 5p
Forge, Portable (200) 2c
Forge, Standard (400) 4c
Grindstone (280) 2c 8p
Hammer, Armorers (15) 1p 5f
Hammer, Blacksmith (22) 2p 2f
Hammer, Carpenters (0.70) 7d
Hatchet (1.20) 1f 2d
Hoe (0.60) 6d
Ingot, Bronze (70) 7p
Ingot, Gold (40000) 400c
Ingot, Iron (0.30) 3d
Ingot, Lead (50) 5p
Ingot, Silver (4000) 40c
Iron Spikes (10) (24) 2p 4f
Iron Wedge (3.60) 3f 6d
Ladder, Wooden, 12' (1.50) 1f 5d
Lathe (1250) 12c 5p
Mallet, Wood (0.30) 3d
Metal File, Large (17) 1p 7f
Metal File, Medium (12) 1p 2f
Metal File, Small ( 8f
Nails (50) 5p
Pick Axe (0.70) 7d
Pickfork (1.50) 1f 5d
Pliers, Large (3.80) 3f 8d
Pliers, Small (2) 2f
Plow Blade, Iron (7) 7f
Plow, Wooden (12) 1p 2f
Potter's Wheel (60) 6p
Pulley, Large (5:1) (3.50) 3f 5d
Pulley, Small (2:1) (2.80) 2f 8d
Rake, Wooden (0.40) 4d
Rope, Hawser, 50' (2.60) 2f 6d
Rope, Heavy, 50' (1) 1f
Rope, Light, 50' (0.40) 4d
Rope, Standard, 50' (0.60) 6d
Scythe, Reaver (3) 3f
Scythe (1.80) 1f 8d
Shepherd's Crook (0.40) 4d
Shovel (1.60) 1f 6d
Sickle (1.50) 1f 5d
Spindle (0.50) 5d
Tongs, Large (2.20) 2f 2d
Tongs, Small (1.20) 1f 2d
Weaving Loom, Large (90) 9p
Weaving Loom, Small (45) 4p 5f
Wedge, Splitting, Iron (1) 1f
Wedge, Staying, Wooden (0.05) 5b
Whitewash 10 Gallons (0.70) 7d
Windlass (75) 7p 5f
Winnowing Flail (0.30) 3d
Wire, Iron, 10' (0.30) 3d
Wire-Drawing Machine (65) 6p 5f
Wood Axe (2.50) 2f 5d
Wood File, Large (17) 1p 7f
Wood File, Medium (12) 1p 2f
Wood File, Small ( 8f
Wood Glue 1 Pint (0.40) 4d
Wood Saw, Iron (3.50) 3f 5d
Wood Saw, Steel (9.50) 9f 5d
Transport & Tack
Bit & Bridle (150) 1c 5p
Boat, 10' Carries up to 454kg (700) 7c
Boat, 20' Carries up to 1,814kg (1100) 11c
Canoe 2 People (800) 8c
Cart, Dog 1 Dog to draw Carries up to 1 Person (150) 1c 5p
Cart, Horse 1 Horse/Ox to draw Carries up to 3 people (400) 4c
Cart, Pony 1 Pony to draw Carries up to 2 people (250) 2c 5p
Closed Coach, 2 Horse Carries up to 4 people (2000) 20c
Closed Coach, 4 Horse Carries up to 4 people (4000) 40c
Coracle 3 People (80) 8p
Draft Harness (750) 7c 5p
Driving Whip (150) 1c 5p
Horse Chair, Enclosed 2 People (1750) 17c 5p
Horse Collar (80) 8p
Horseshoe, Common (0.20) 2d
Horseshoe, Warhorse (0.60) 6d
Mast & Sail (250) 2c 5p
Oar (15) 1p 5f
Ox Yoke (10) 1p
Paddle ( 8f
Riding Crop (20) 2p
Saddle Bags, Large (120) 1c 2p
Saddle Bags, Medium (50) 5p
Saddle Bags, Small (20) 2p
Saddle Blanket (5) 5f
Saddle, Pack (100) 1c
Saddle, Riding (1500) 15c
Saddle, War (3000) 30c
Stirrups (40) 4p
Wagon, Large 4 Horses/Oxen to draw Carries up to 816kg (800) 8c
Wagon, Small 2 Horses/Oxen to draw Carries up to 544kg (600) 6c
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