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Vampire the Masquerade Character Creation
From the Hero Games board written by Robert Harrison.
- Also see vtm_disciplines
Undead Toughness
- 50% Resistant Physical and Energy Damage Reduction, Only vs. STUN (-1/2), Not vs. aggravated damage (-1/2)
Active Cost: 60 Real Cost: 30 - Damage Resistance, PD and ED up to 1/2 of figured PD and ED, Not vs. aggravated damage (-1/2)
Active Cost: 1 pt/2 rPD or rED Real Cost: 0.66 pt/2 rPD or rED - Life Support: Self-contained breathing, no need to eat, immunities to high radiation, intense heat, intense cold, and aging
Cost: 24 - Life Support: Immunity to all terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, not if present in blood/flesh meals (-1/2)
Active Cost: 10 Real Cost: 7 - Life Support: Immunity to all terrestrial diseases and biological warfare agents
Cost: 10
Blood Pool
This is constructed as an END Reserve with 5 REC/Turn requiring the consumption of blood. The 5 REC requires one turn and, when feeding off a living animal, the Bleeding Rules (p. 279 - 280 HERO System 5th Edition) are used for determining the effect on the target: Each turn, 2d6 is rolled. The amount rolled is the STUN lost by the target, as well as a point of BODY for each 6 rolled.
The size of a vampire's Blood Pool is determined by his generation.
- Blood Pool: Endurance Reserve (110 END, 5 REC)
- Reserve: (16 Active Points); Side Effects (1.5 d6 Drain END Reserve - 10 pts END, recover/year; Side Effect always occurs whenever the character does some specific act (rising each night); -1/4)
- REC: (5 Active Points); Focus (OAF, blood to be consumed, Expendable, Difficult to obtain new Focus; -1 1/4), Half effectiveness when animal blood is consumed (-1/2)
- Active Cost: 10 pts/100 END, +1/additional 10 END, + 5 for REC
- Real Cost: Active Cost/1.25 for Reserve, 2 for the REC
Blood Pool Characteristics and Generation
Generation | Blood Pool Maximum | Max END/phase |
13th | 100 | 10 |
12th | 110 | 10 |
11th | 120 | 10 |
10th | 130 | 10 |
9th | 140 | 20 |
8th | 150 | 30 |
7th | 200 | 60 |
6th | 300 | 70 |
5th | 400 | 80 |
4th | 500 | 90 |
3rd | ? | 100 |
Feeding (The Kiss)
Once a vampire sinks his fangs into his prey, the victim is overcome with physical bliss that renders him unable to resist. The victim can flail his limbs about and return the vampire's embrace, but can't speak or put up any meaningful resistance.
- Fangs - 1 pip HKA (1/2d6 with STR), Must follow successful Grab maneuver (-1/2)
Active Cost: 5 Real Cost: 3 - Ecstasy of the Kiss - Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks (+1/4), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense; Mental Defense applies; +1); Fangs must do BODY damage or penetrate skin (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Half effectiveness against other Kindred (-1/4), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4)
Active Cost: 120 Real Cost: 48 - Licking Wounds Closed - 2d6 BODY Healing, Only to close puncture wounds caused by one's own fangs (-1 ½)
Active Cost: 20 Real Cost: 8
Physical Prowess Boosts and Basic Healing
These Aids represent the ability of the vampire to use his Blood Pool to make himself stronger, tougher, and faster, and to heal non-aggravated damage to his body. These Aids are placed in a multipower. If they are placed in ultra slots, only one aid can be used at a time, but more powerful vampires may wish to place them in normal slots so they can boost multiple characteristics at once.
All of these Aids are built with Self Only (-1/2) and powered by the Blood Pool END.
Physical Prowess Boosts and Basic Healing: Multipower, 88-point reserve, (88 Active Points); all slots Self only (-1/2)
- 1u 1) Aid STR 1d6, Can Add Maximum Of 12 Points, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (29 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Self only (-1/2)
- 3u 2) Aid CON 2d6, Can Add Maximum Of 24 Points, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (58 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Self only (-1/2)
- 4u 3) Aid DEX 3d6, Can Add Maximum Of 36 Points, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (88 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Self only (-1/2)
- 1u 4) Healing 1d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), Reset Interval of 1 Turn (+1 1/2) (35 Active Points); Does Not Work On Aggravated Damage (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (2x END; -1/2), Self only (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)
Total Cost: 68
Healing Aggravated Damage
This represents the difficulty that vampires have healing damage resulting from fire, sunlight, massive tissue destruction, etc. Note that each 1d6 of effect (1 - 3 BODY recovered) costs 15 Blood Pool END and requires an entire day (and night) of inactivity.
Healing Aggravated Damage - 1d6 BODY Healing, Can Heal Limbs, Does not work on non-aggravated damage (-1/2), Extra Time (1 day, no other actions can be taken, -4 1/4), Increased END (10X, -4), Self only (-1/2)
Active Cost: 15 Real Cost: 1
Recovering from Torpor
This represents the fundamental reality of the vampire as already being dead. The Cainite must have sufficient Blood Pool END in his body, or else he is lost forever.
Recovery from Torpor - 1d6 BODY Healing, Regeneration (1 BODY/Turn), Resurrection (Can be prevented if death is caused by aggravated damage), Reduced END (0; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Self only (-1/2), Only brings BODY to one point above death (-1/2), Does not work if Blood Pool END Reserve is empty (-1/4), Side Effect (1d6 Drain Blood Pool END Reserve, Recover 5 Active points/month [+2], Side Effect happens automatically, -1), Extra Time (depends on Path rating; see chart below)
Active Cost: 60 Real Cost: See chart below
Path rating | Extra Time modifier | Real Cost |
10 | 1 day (-4) | 10 |
9 | 3 days (-4 1/4) | 9 |
8 | 1 week (-4 1/2) | 9 |
7 | 2 weeks (-4 3/4) | 9 |
6 | 1 month (-5) | 8 |
5 | 1 year (-6) | 7 |
4 | 1 decade (-6 3/4) | 6 |
3 | 5 decades (-7 1/4) | 6 |
2 | 1 century (-7 1/2) | 6 |
1 | 5 centuries (-![]() | 5 |
0 | 1 millenium+ (-8 1/4) | 5 |
Vampires in a state of frenzy feel no pain and are difficult to dominate.
Frenzy, all slots Only when beserk or enraged (-1/2)
- Mental Defense (12 points total) (10 Active Points); Only Works Against Mind Control and mind-controlling Transforms (-1/2), Only when beserk or enraged (-1/2)
- +4 Overall (40 Active Points); Only to compensate for wound penalties (-1 1/2), Only when under frenzy (-1/2)
Active Cost: 50 Real Cost: 18
Blood Bond
The ability to turn a person into a slavishly loyal and devoted servant. Vampires that are targets of this ability become servants of the vampire whose vitae they dirnk, but mortals become ghouls, with lots of kewl powerz (and not-so-kewl disadvantagez). The Partial Transform (+1/2) advantage allows for some partial effect on the target's feelings towards the vampire and for the acquisition of some powers (i.e. Potence) within minutes after the first drink.
Blood Bond - 2d6 Major Transform (person to loyal servant/ghoul), Partial Transform (+1/2), Works against EGO not BODY (+0), No Range (-1/2), Gradual Effect (1 day, -1 3/4), Target must ingest vampire's blood (-1/2), Extra Time (1 Turn, -1 1/4), Target must drink blood on at least three occasions before bond takes hold (-1/4)
Active Cost: 45 Real Cost: 9
The Embrace
The ability of a vampire to create more of his kind. Requires draining a target of blood (i.e. drink until the target is at < 0 BODY), then feeding some of it back to him. The target takes a day to shuffle off this mortal coil, after which he reawakens as a vampire. It takes a week or two for the neonate vampire to adjust to his new condition.
The Embrace - Summon Vampire (up to 550 pts), Focus (person, OAF, expendable, -1 1/4), Points in summoned vampire limited to points in person + basic vampire package + a few kewl powerz (-1/4), Extra Time (1 day, -4), Gestures (embracer must drink embracee's blood until BODY < 0, then feed some back to embracee, -1/4), Vampire is disoriented for a while and doesn't have full access to powers for a week or two (-1)
Active Cost: 110 Real Cost: 14
Living Appearance
The ability of the vampire to mask his undead nature. A costly power (8 Blood Pool END!) and not something a vampire is inclined to do unless he has to mix extensively with mortal society. Only vampires with a Humanity rating can have this power; Vampires on one of the alternative Paths of Enlightenment do not have this power.
Living Appearance: Shapeshift to normal “living” appearance (Sight, Hearing and Touch Groups), Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4); Increased Endurance Cost (4x END; -3/4)
Active Cost: 22 Real Cost: 12
Disadvantage | Value |
Social Limitation: Vampire masquerading as a human (Frequently, Major) | -15 |
Frenzy: Berserk Hungry, harassed, threatened, humiliated, or provoked (Common), go 11-, recover 11- | -30 |
Distinctive features: Pale, cold, clammy skin; no heartbeat, no breathing | -5 |
Rötschreck I: Psychological limitation: Fear of fire (Common, Strong) | -15 |
Rötschreck II: Psychological limitation: Fear of sunlight (Very common, Strong) | -20 |
Susceptibility to sunlight, 1d6 BODY/Turn | -20 |
Susceptibility to sunlight, 1d6 STUN/Turn | -20 |
Physical Limitation: Immobilized by wooden weapon thrust through heart | -15 |
Physical Limitation: Cannot heal BODY normally (with REC) | -5 |
Physical Limitation: 1 BODY lost/day when Blood Pool END Reserve is at 0 | -5 |
Physical Limitation: Must sleep during the day (Infrequently, Fully) | -15 |
The Downward Spiral: Susceptibility: 1 - 3d6 Major Transform, vampire to vampire with Path rating reduced by one level, whenever vampire commits acts unworthy of his Path rating | -15 |
(Optional) Psychological Limitation: Committed to the ideals of (Path of Enlightenment) or of the Camarilla/Sabbat (Common, Strong) | -15 |
(Optional) Social Limitation: Member of the Camarilla (expected to uphold the Traditions and the Masquerade) (Occasionally, Major) | -10 |
(Optional) Distinctive features: Sunken eyes, perpetual snarl, bestial countenance, or other unnatural and disturbing features (from low Humanity/Path rating; Noticed, Concealable with effort) | -10 |
Frenzy, Rötschreck, and other vampiric weaknesses
Modifiers for the rolls involved in Frenzy, Rötschreck, and waking up during the day are listed below. Depending on the circumstances, a failure of the Frenzy roll may result in Enraged behavior rather than an outright Beserk. A character may be given the option to voluntarily enter an Enraged state to avoid the less desirable Beserk.
During the day, a character must make a PER roll at –6, with an additional – (10 – Humanity/Path rating), to wake up (see table below). When awake, he must succeed at an Ego Roll to be active each Turn. If the roll fails, the character can do nothing and may fall asleep. Even if the roll succeeds, the character will receive a -4 penalty to all rolls made during the daytime; this penalty is reduced by -1 for every 2 points by which the Ego Roll is made. This roll is modified by +1 per (Humanity/Path rating – 5).
Situational modifiers for Frenzy
When more than one of these situations applies, use the modifier with the largest value, further modified by +1/-1 per additional situation.
Example: Larry Black the Ventrue is hungry. He smells blood. The modifier to his Frenzy Activation roll is normally –4. If he were being harassed, the modifier would be –3. If he smelled blood while hungry and was being harassed, the modifier would be –2 (-3 + 1).
Situation | Modifier (Activation/Recovery) |
Smell of blood when hungry | -4/+4 |
Sight of blood when hungry | -3/+3 |
Being harassed | -3/+3 |
Life-threatening situation | -3/+3 |
Malicious taunts | -3/+3 |
Physical provocation | -1/+1 |
Taste of blood when hungry | -1/+1 |
Loved one in danger | None |
Outright humiliation | +1/-1 |
Situational modifiers for Rötschreck
Situation | Modifier to EGO roll |
Lighting a cigar | +4 |
Sight of a torch | +2 |
Bonfire | +1 |
Obscured sunlight | None |
Being burned | None |
Direct sunlight | -1 |
Trapped in a burning building | -2 |
Humanity/Path rating modifiers
Humanity/ Path rating | Modifier to Rötschreck EGO roll | Frenzy Beserk/ Enraged Activation/ Recovery roll modifiers | Penalty to PER roll to wake up |
0 | -5 | +5/-5 | -16 |
1 | -4 | +4/-4 | -15 |
2 | -3 | +3/-3 | -14 |
3 | -2 | +2/-2 | -13 |
4 | -1 | +1/-1 | -12 |
5 | -0 | None | -11 |
6 | +1 | -1/+1 | -10 |
7 | +2 | -2/+2 | -9 |
8 | +3 | -3/+3 | -8 |
9 | +4 | -4/+4 | -7 |
10 | +5 | -5/+5 | -6 (the roll for a normal human) |
Humanity/Path of Enlightenment and the Downward Spiral
Vampires struggle daily to avoid becoming mindless monsters. By default, most vampires struggle to continue with the same existence they had when they were alive, to remain human or at least human-like in their behavior and outlook. These vampire have a Humanity rating that reflects how successful they are in this struggle. Other vampires consciously embrace a radically different way of thinking and being in an attempt to ward off moral and mental degeneration. These vampires have a rating in a particular Path of Enlightenment that is homologous to the Humanity rating, and they also usually take the optional Psych. Lim.: Dedicated to the ideals of (name of Path).
Starting characters have a Humanity or Path rating of 7. Higher ratings can be purchased for the cost of the modifiers to the Frenzy, Rötschreck, and waking-up/daytime activity rolls. Alternatively, Disadvantages can be taken to reflect a lower Humanity/Path rating.
Whenever a character does an action that is at or below the character’s Humanity or Path rating on the appropriate Hierarchy of Sin, he takes the Transform attack listed for the Downward Spiral Susceptibility. For the Humanity Hierarchy of Sin, the action that triggers the Transform attack either (a) harms someone the character doesn’t know for no good reason, or (b) harms someone the character knows, regardless of the reason. Hence, a character can harm or even kill someone in self-defense without triggering a Transform attack. The number of Transform dice rolled depends on the nature of the violation; minor violations (breaking a friend’s jaw) might merit 1 die, while torturing a 6-year-old is worth 3 dice or more.
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