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The Gun
By Curufea (original post) (inspired by The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold)
This is a last resort weapon used by the desperate who have no other hope and are willing to give their lives for a cause.
It sits by itself in a case in an empty room on the least used floor of the hotel. No one is ever seen going into this room and everyone avoids even approaching the room.
The gun is in pristine condition and lies in its case without any external ammunition. The gun can kill anyone or anything. It never misses, it always kills, and no skill is needed to use it. There is enough ammunition in the gun for two shots.
The first shot can only be used to kill the previous user of the gun. If they are already dead, the gun only contains one shot instead.
After the previous user is dead, the gun can be used to kill the victim intended by the new owner.
After the victim is dead, the gun returns to its room. It disappears when either the current user sleeps, or it is not observed by anyone.
It cannot be picked up by anyone who does not intend to kill someone. It cannot be fired at anyone or anything other than the person's intended victim and the previous user of the gun. It will not fire unless it will hit the target.
The gun has many names.
The Window
By 5lippers (original post)
The room with the gun contains single, shuttered window. There are tales of hotel staff who, standing outside the room, have heard the shutters rattling as if something is trying to get in. This is another reason why few people enter the room.
The shutters are locked but also look like they’re stuck fast. Apparently, no one knows where the key is or has ever managed to open them. Investigation will reveal that the window looks out onto a side alley in which can be found a crazed man. The man claims to have worked as a cleaner for the hotel in the past. If asked about the shutters he will fly into an incoherent panic but, once calmed, will claim to have opened the shutters in the gun room. Apparently, the window doesn’t look out into the alley but somewhere else entirely…
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