Tough Old Broad
By sinanju (original post)
The only exceptions to the old man's surly behavior are the visits from a short, stocky woman–also in her sixties–who occasionally visits. Her name is Velma. She wears thick eyeglasses, has short white hair, and speaks with the raspy voice of a lifelong chainsmoker (think Lucille Ball). Her skin is leathery, her nose has obviously been broken many times, and on the rare occasions when her arms or legs aren't covered, scars of every kind are visible–cuts, bullet scars, bite and claw wounds, burns, etc.
She and the surly old man often reminisce about their youthful adventures, and about a woman named Daphney, who apparently died decades ago, and about Fred, who still mourns her. Oddly, when the old woman isn't around, the surly old coot occasionally drops a hint that Daphney isn't dead, but that he doesn't want Velma to find out because she would react…badly.
[This is an obvious play on the character Velma from the animated TV show Scooby Doo. - ed.]
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