Too Normal Guy
By Supreme Serpent (original post)
Mid-30's male, normally dressed in a suit and tie. Drives a rental mid-sized car. Frequently talking on his cell phone about business deals, meetings, and odd industry/company specific jargon (i.e., TPS reports, etc.) that would be meaningless to outsiders. Makes use of hotel services like laundry and room service, but never makes outlandish requests. Watches sports at the bar while having a drink.
What's he hiding under that normal exterior? If he's not hiding anything, what's he doing here with all these weirdos? Hey, is he the one normal guy in the whole place? Does that mean we're weirdos too?
Of course you're weirdos. You're PCs.
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roleplaying/hero/resources/dark_champions/ch_guest/too_normal_guy.txt · Last modified: 2007/01/01 16:16 by