The Whining Annoyance
By pendelfield (original post)
Guy in late 40's early 50's, overweight, bald, and really bad breath (the main reason most people won't carry on a conversation with him). He all ways has an an answer or opinion on everything (what the PC's should be doing, who they should talk to) anything and everything. He also has the annoying ability of showing up when ever he is least needed or when he will be most in the way. Even though he offers to help he never seems to have the skills for the job. And if asked a direct question he will go into a really boring monologue on every aspect of the question, usually (if the person asking the question can wait long enough) not even giving a good answer let alone a rational answer. Also he likes to whine to everyone that will listen and even those who don't about how much help he could be if people would just listen to him and do what he says, the problem is that when some one actually does he is never right and his suggestions never work, it's only when they don't listen that he ends up right (well maybe 10% of the time anyway).
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