The Other Twins
By McCoy (original post)
Miss Ima and Miss Ura are identicle twins, Black women, maybe 5'2“ and 98 pounds, they claim to be over 100 and look it. The two are always seen together, dressed the same. They never have a harsh word for anyone, and will offer to buy a meal in the hotel restraunt for anyone who “spare changes” them. One, the other, or both will always have a Bible in their purse, and they walk down the street to church every Sunday morning and Wendsday evening. They will not bring up the subject of religion, but will Witness if anyone else brings it up. They will listen patiently to anyone with a problem, and offer good advice.
Rumor has it that they set fire to a crack house a couple blocks away, with the drug dealer inside. If the PC's check out records of the fire, several years ago now, they will find the official cause listed as Spontaneous Human Combustion.
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