The Observer
By Just Joe (original post)
White male, about 40 y.o., smallish, with thick glasses that make his eyes look huge. The Observer is frequently found wandering the hallways, looking for anything that he might find interesting, even trying doors of closets or other guest's rooms. He is not remotely subtle, at least not unless he learns to fear those he is observing. He shows few if any signs of comprehending spoken language, and seems equally fascinated by people, rats, and roaches (for example). He does not speak, except maybe to himself. His minimal communication with staff is through hand-written notes that he leaves for them. (Know one sees him write these notes, and he never directly hands them to anyone).
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roleplaying/hero/resources/dark_champions/ch_guest/the_observer.txt · Last modified: 2007/01/01 16:07 by