The Dummy
By Log (original post)
Wesley is the disheveled young man carrying the ventriloquist dummy whom always seems tired, like he hasn't slept. His tie is loose, his shirt is untucked, his hair is mussed, he has a five o'clock shadow. Wesley is often seen in the downstairs restaurant drinking coffee with his ever-present companion, Dandy. Dandy is a classic ventriloquist dummy wearing a neat 1920s style dark green suit and blonde hair. His smoky baritone is in stark contrast to Wesley's nasal tenor voice. Servers and staff speak to Dandy, not Wesley. Wesley must be an incredible ventriloquist, though, for Dandy is able to converse fluently while Wesley reads, eats, or even while he seems to be napping. Such talent! One wonders why Wesley seems so despondent!
Occasionally, Wesley will be seen without Dandy. It only happens very late at night and for a very short period. He seems agitated the whole time, frequently checking his watch and glancing toward the elevators. He will mutter, “Come on, come on!” as he waits for his coffee, or the public phone, or whatever he is downstairs for, and he'll run for the elevator when he's done. If delayed for more than a few minutes he'll become hysterical and start sobbing. There are frequent reports of yelling and arguing coming from his room even though Wesley never takes visitors.
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