The Dice Man Cometh
By tkdguy (original post)
This rather nondescript fellow hardly (if ever) pays attention to the other guests. He is usually found in the lobby or the bar. In either case, he sits alone in a corner rolling dice constantly, stopping only to decipher the results. Sometimes he arranges most of the dice in a pattern, while rolling a single die. Depending on the result, he will keep or remove one of the dice in the pattern, often changing the postition or face value (number of pips facing up) other dice in the pattern, sometimes doing both. He will do this for hours. If approached and questioned about his actions, he will simply give the other person an icy glance and relocate to continue his game in peace.
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roleplaying/hero/resources/dark_champions/ch_guest/the_dice_man_cometh.txt · Last modified: 2007/01/01 15:58 by