Tangential Conversation Man
By BoneDaddy (original post)
He's talking loudly on a cell phone, about facts that relate directly to what the PCs are doing, and predicting dire circumstances. The thing is, the conversation isn't directly about the PCs, or even remotely about the PCs, but it applies too perfectly to what the PCs are doing.
Example: the PCs are going to an arranged meeting with an organized crime figure. In the elevator, they stand next to this guy who's yammering into his cell phone.
“You can't be serious! They're going to get chopped up and fed to his pigs. No, I'm serious, he keeps pigs and feeds people to them. … People he thinks need killing, what do I know? I'm not a mobster. … Anyway, they're toast.”
If interrupted, he will respond with the same hostility that anyone would if their private conversation was interrupted by a stranger.
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