Sleep-Deprived Man
By rogerfcw (original post)
Normal looking bespectacled young man with a semi permanent frown, occasionally interrupted by a self-knowing smile when he overhears a conversation or has a thought pop into his head.
Chain smokes. Nervous twitch in one eye and slightly hunched, probably due to bad posture or laziness. When he sees new guests arrive, he hums “Hotel California” softly to himself.
Conversations with him will eventually lead to several related subjects, 1.his migraine that no pain killer can suppress; 2. his migraine hurts so much that he cannot ever sleep; 3. sleep deprivation is aggravating his headache.
He seems to be well read at least, as he can always talk quite superficially on most subjects and very learned in some diametrically opposite topics (perhaps 6 topics), e.g. networking and ancient Chinese history, or physics and voodoo practises in the Caribbean (sp?). What he seems to know today, he does not recall the next.
Asking him about his childhood or past brings on a wistful look, and deftly deflected into another topic. He pays for his lodgings by cash of legal large denominations from his shirt pocket, but never seems to have more than twenty bucks in the wallet he carries. Only ID is an international driving license from Australia.
When seen sitting alone in the lounge or lobby, he always seems to be reading a book or fiddling with an electronic gadget not found in the market. He is never seen to read a newspaper, but seems to know the latest news just as it becomes news.
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