Shocked Saul
By Kyle A. (original post)
Saul is one of the guests at the hotel. Whenever he's not sleeping (he sleeps from 5am to noon) he walks around the hotel randomly opening doors(every door he tries to open does, even if the PCs just locked it). After he opens a door he'll look at the room beyond the door, seeming to memorize it. Then he closes the door takes five or six steps away and then dashes back and flings open the same door. He always seems shocked to his core that the room hasn't changed.
If asked what he's doing he makes up a lame excuse about the door (I was checking the hinges, I wanted to know which way the door swings). Then he'll go back to his door opening. If someone inside the room asks what he's doing he becomes agitated, often saying things like, “Shut up, Shut up!” or “Mustn't talk to reflections. Mustn't answer.” If the PCs complain to the management they just reassure the PCs that Saul is completly harmless.
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