Rough Trade Writer
By McCoy (original post)
A man in his 50's, always wears a black tee shirt and blue jeans. Hotel staff will say he gets them mail order, a dozen at a time.If his closet is checked he does own the tradition blue suit, tuxedo, and other elements of the “adult” wardrobe, most of them still in plastic from the last time they came back from the cleaners, years ago. Has a gym membership, goes once a week or so.
According to hotel staff, he is load-ed, super wealthy. He rents a suite, two apartments connected by an ajoining door. He pays for them, month to month, with his platinum card. One side has a dedicated high-speed computer line, and a lot of state-of-the-art computer equiptment. He tips the maids to NOT clean this side, explaining he does not like to be disturbed while working.
The other side is the shabbyest room in the hotel. In fact, he has a running request of wanting to see any functional furniture the hotel is going to throw out to see if he wants to trade down. Housekeeping does clean and change the linens on this room. If the PC's are passing by while this room is being cleaned, they may note what appears to them to be alarmingly large blood stains, but the housekeeping staff will say is nothing unusual.
The strange thing, other than that he obviously has the money to be staying in a better place, is that he has visitors most evenings. One at a time, disreputable looking men in their 20's, White, Black, or Latino, mostly with jailhouse tattoos. They stop by the desk and say they are expected. The clerk gives them the spare key to the shabby room, then calls to say they are on their way up. Some may come once a week for months, others three or four nights in a row then are never seen again, the majority only come by once. They can be seen slinking out sometime between midnight and dawn.
If the PC's hack his computer, they will see he writes romance novels under at least five different pen names, banging them out at a rate of better than one a week.
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