By Willow (original post)
The downright strangest guest I've ever encounted was 'Robin.' I don't know her last name, and if I did, I wouldn't share it. We didn't have any kind of official documentation on file for her.
How'd she manage that one? The room was being paid for by someone else- alledgedly her employer. We had a credit card imprint and photocopy of an ID on file for him, and the room was in his name.
Anyway, Robin was staying day-to-day. She didn't seem sure of when she was going to check out, and everyday would come down with $69 in cash to register her room for another night.
(I doubt very much she was a prostitute, btw.)
Here's some general oddities about her.
*Nobody was really sure what her last name was. She had called herself by multiple different last names, and I could never really remember what it was. *Nobody was really sure exactly why she was staying there. Alledgedly it had something to do with her work setting up a new office, and her needing a place to stay. It's my opinion that she wasn't mentally stable enough to hold any kind of extended job. There were also stories of problems with her family. *She was constantly recieving incoming phone calls, from multiple different people. (I know because they have to be routed through the front desk at our hotel.) *She was occasionally accusing random guests, or people who may or may not be imaginary of stalking her. She'd often call down to say that someone was outside her room, or a strange vehicle was outside her window. When I checked, there wouldn't be anything. *General high wierdness in any conversation with her. *I was called up to her room once to kick some random guy out of her room. He was just about as wierd as she was. *She once asked me if it was a full moon, and seem relieved when I said I thought it wasn't. *She once asked me very nervously if I was familiar with 'remote viewing.' I told her I was familiar with the term. She then got very quiet. *She often told me she had psychic powers. She would occasionally tell me that she was having a good feeling or a bad feeling about something. *She confessed to me once that she wasn't taking her medications. I told her she should go back on them, and she acted surprised and said, “you know, that's a wise idea.” The next morning I called the guy who was paying for the room and told him that if she didn't go back on her meds, she'd be kicked out of the hotel. He was pretty concerned.
She FINALLY ended up getting kicked out because she got behind on her room payments and we had to bill her alledged employer's credit card for the balance. He freaked out and threatened to sue us. It's our policy not to rent rooms to people who threaten us with lawsuits.
She ended up checking into a hotel owned by the same owners (not a Best Western), and with some of the same staff. Apparently that hotel *does* have a policy of renting rooms to people that threaten us with lawsuits.
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