Rape Man
By ThothAmon (original post)
This chap is in his mid 30's or perhaps mid 40's. He stands about six foot tall with sloping shoulders, is big boned and weighs around 200 pounds. His hair is dark and greasy, unkempt just-beyond-collar length and with a liberal sprinkling of dandruff. His skin is sallow and greasy. It's hard to tell his real age - he sports a full beard, stained teeth and fingers (nicotine), is quite overweight, and wears grossly unfashionable, smelly, stained clothing - usually the same dark coloured nylon / poly non-iron slacks, white (now grey) threadbare shirt with armpit sweat-rings, scuffed black brogues and a shapeless suit jacket with almost-worn-through elbows. He also wears 50's style US Army issue black plastic-framed glasses to correct myopia. He smokes constantly and smells equally of cigarettes and rancid body odour. The cleaning staff (all female) will not clean his room and they do not like talking with him for too long.
Rape Man is a huge fan of SF, fantasy and alternative / cult media encompassing film, TV, literature and computers. He is highly intelligent but emotionally (not socially) stunted. He's never had a girlfriend and he probably never will. He lives in his hotel room permanently having been forced out of the parental home by his parents when he reached his 30th birthday. The floor of the hotel room is buried under 36 inches of mixed discarded fungus-infested fast-food packaging, cigarette packs / butts and heavily soiled socks and underwear. Flat surfaces feature overflowing ashtrays and literally thousands of piled-up CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, VHS tapes etc etc. The bathroom is a horror of mould, unidentifiable stains and all-too-identifiable stains.
Rape Man has a significant media collection and and a hefty broadband / computer / audio / home cinema setup. These are the tools of his obsession with 'collecting' girls. His porn collection would make Larry Flynt stand up and have a coronary, his anime and manga collection is prodigious and he has taken a lot of time to make his own 'smorgasbord' home videos and photo-quality pictures from his media collection. He has incredible knowledge of women - any remotely good-looking female even slightly in the public eye will be found fully indexed and dissected (virtually) by this man. He is, however, pathologically hopeless at filing anything that doesn't fall into his areas of obsession.
Rape Man is financially 'almost comfortable', using his sporadic talents to freelance as a computer systems consultant / web designer. He owns his own aged, battered, similarly disgusting station wagon. He pays his room rent in advance and the management leave him be as long as he keeps his AV system turned low enough that the constant moaning and cheesy soundtracks don't disturb the neighbours too much.
Rape Man has never had a criminal record beyond unpaid parking tickets. He does not own firearms or indulge in extra-legal activities… yet.
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