"Got it!" guy
By Basil (original post)
Fellow about 5' 4“, thin, with short brown hair and big hornrims (but not thick; his eyesight is probably not too bad). He always wears a white t-shirt and black BDU-style pants; the bellows pockets on the legs are stuffed full. If a N/PC is in a (semi)public part of the hotel, working on something and needs a (piece of string)/(paper clip)/(rubber band)/(nail)/(whatever), this guy is likely to appear, smiling widely, proclaim “Got it!” in a pleased tone of voice, and have just the thing in his out-stretched hand. Any questions about how he knew what was needed are met with that big grin and a deprecating shrug of the shoulders—but he says nothing. If simply thanked, he says “No biggy. Keep it, I don't need that one any more.” (with just a slight emphasis on “that one”). He avoids answering any questions, but if your PC(s) need a name, it's in the hotel's registry.
Oh, and nothing he ever shows up with is worth so much as $1 (most being nearly worthless); also, he never shows up with a tool.
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