Backwards Man
By Dr. Anomaly (original post)
This resident of the hotel – a man in his late forties – has some very odd habits. First, when he walks, there's an expression of great concentration on his face, and he walks very slowly and deliberately, with exaggerated care. When he speaks, he talks like he walks…slowly, with great care, pronouncing each word deliberately. He has a slight accent, but it's unidentifiable. When he listens to someone else, it's with the same expression of great concentration. Sometimes, when talking to a person, he'll nod or shake his head in response to something they haven't said yet, or will answer a question they were about to ask. When he realizes this has happened, he gets flustered and ends the conversation quickly, and walks away…with that same slow, deliberate walk.
No one has ever seen him eat or drink, though he does appear to do so, though that's odd as well. Every day or so he can be seen leaving the hotel empty-handed, and returning with used, empty Chinese take-out containers, bags with wadded up McDonald's hamburger wrappers, and so on, and going up to his room with them. The next day he can be seen leaving the hotel carrying full Chinese take-out containers, a bag with McDonald's hamburgers and fries it it, and returning empty-handed. Sometimes he comes back with a bag of empty soda bottles, bread bags, and the like and will a few days later take away shopping bags full of fresh vegetables, full soda bottles, loaves of bread, and such.
The name he goes by is Otto Mim.
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