The Four-Hour Conversation
By Kyle A. (original post)
An effect of the hotel rather then a person. In the hotel's lobby is a massive grandfather clock, twelve feet tall and four feet wide. When the clock chimes in a new hour it can be heard on the first two floors of the hotel. Any conversation held in the lobby, in view of the clock, while it's chiming in 4:00 pm, seems normal to those that are involved until the realize it's now 8:00pm. If the PCs stake out the lobby to find out what is going on they will see the affected people get up and walk to the elevators, still carrying on their conversation. As soon as the enter the elevator the doors shut fast enough to prevent anyone or anything else from getting in there, and then as soon as they shut the doors open again revealing an empty elevator. The PCs will be unable to find the people who have vanished. As soon as the grandfather clock chimes the last chime for 8:00pm the people who vanished will walk into the hotel from outside, take up their places, from when they were talking four hours ago, and then end their conversation. They will have no memory of doing anything but standing there an talking for a minute or two. And nobody but the PCs ever notice that anyone has dissappeared.
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