The Dream
By tkdguy (original post)
You are walking down a path. There are large mausoleums a short distance away. As you look at them, you see shadows on the surfaces of the tombs, and they are moving. One appears like an ancient Egyptian burial scene (someone appears to be wearing a costume of Anubis). Another is a flock of birds taking flight. These shadows do not appear to come from any source; they exist in and of themselves. Unnerved, you turn away from this evil place and walk down a new path. On the ground you see two plastic dolls. They appear to be crawling to a destination. Their faces are twisted in sorrow, their tears frozen in their faces. These dolls were lost or cast away by their owners a long time ago. They just want to be reunited with the little girls they've grown to love and are desperately trying to find them. But the dolls will never succeed. They're dead, you see; they just don't know it yet.
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