The Eternal Desk Clerk
By Dr. Anomaly (original post)
No matter what time of day or night it is, this desk clerk – named Jerry – is on duty. Every. Time. He appears to be in his early thirties, and is always cheerful and sociable, and quite helpful…as long as it invovles the business of checking in or out of the hotel, getting extra towels for your room, or whatever. If asked about anything or anyone not directly related to those subjects (including questions about a guest that registered just 10 minutes before) he'll just shrug helplessly, give a seemingly-genuine grin and say some varient of “I really don't know; I wish I could help you.”
Though Jerry seems to always be on duty, he never looks tired, worn, out of sorts, like he's just woken up or desperately wants to go to sleep. While he is sometimes off on “break”, he'll just happen to return to the front desk when someone comes up to it needing something…either coming out of the back office, returning from stepping outside to smoke a cigarette, just finishing up in the bathroom, or whatever. It's always by seeming coincidence of good timing, and he never fails at this. His clothes always appear in good condition, recently washed, never rumpled, and so on. Though he does apparently smoke (sometimes stubbing out a cigarette in the lobby ashtray when he steps in from outside) no one has ever actually seen him smoke. The only thing anyone can ever remember seeing him drink is coffee…from a pot behind the desk that only Jerry ever uses. The rest of the staff, if pressed, will just say they never pour coffee from that pot because “it's Jerry's”, and only that…as if that is reason enough.
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