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Feline Physiology

Note, many sub-races of Feline lack enough sexual dimorphism for a non-feline to be able to tell their sex when clothed. The obvious exception to this is the Lion with the males having a mane.


Felines live in a matriarchal class/race based samurai society. Any Feline mage will only study magic to do with war. The closest they have to clerics are teachers of children, and they do not practice magic. Felines never use magic to heal wounds, though they can use magic to cure disease, as magic leaves no scars. Scars are honourable. Basic Feline society is like a cross between the Rift War world of Terawan (Kelawan?) and Kzin. The most likely Feline encountered on the Western Shores is a Cheetah scout. Other Races/Classes- Lioness soldier. Lion warrior/bodyguard/consort. Tigress warrior/ruler. Tiger warrior/assassin. Cheetah scout/messenger. Panther scout/assassin. Felines have an oral tradition of recording great heroes.

Felines usually behave like Graka (in Space Rangers).


Polite society owns the historical existence of five sub-races of Banbutsunoreichou. The verbal history, which is decidely not polite, maintains there are ten sub-races. The census is administered by those of polite society, or at least those not wanting to bring dishonour upon their family. As such, the census does not include the 'other' races and thusly numbers the existing sub-races of the Banbutsunoreichou1) as four.

They are the Torareichou or tigers, the nobility of Kartar, the Shishireichou, the lions, the death dealers, the Subayaireichou or cheetahs, the scouts and messengers and the lowest ranked of the species and the jaguars, the hotlanders. Once there were five, but the leopard race was destroyed centuries ago.


The drop in population, especially the lowered fertility amongst the Torareichou is never spoken of within society, and the Empress has specifically, although very circumspectly banned discussion of the matter entirely. The current generation of the feline nobility of the has an estimated 37% sterility amongst both male and female. The other felines sub-races are suffering similarly, although the rates are currently much lower. The Subayaireichou may be immune to this curse.



Felines are born with no name, and must earn one. The longer the name, the more honour. Any Felines encountered on the Western Shores will most likely have a single word, one syllable name. Felines with no name are refered to by their duties.


Feline Superstitions

Feline Religion

Feline religion is basically ancestor worship, honour, and survival of the strongest/ most cunning. The Elven equivalent is Avatar Justice (not a manifestation).


There are five recognised sub-races of the

Un-acknowledged sub-races

Notable Felines

Panthera is the genus for all big cats that can roar. Cheetahs cannot roar, being instead capable of purring, and this further contributes to their lower status.
roleplaying/ws/races/felines.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/05 19:31 by