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A player decides they wish to convince one or more other characters (NPC or PC) with their character using verbal combat.


A Turn - Everyone in the game, including the GM, has an action An Action - One of several choices by the player or GM for the character they control. See Actions below Debator - Other characters that are present in the repartee and playing cards. Beliefs - The convictions a player has on various subjects. Instigator - The player who initiates the Repartee Order of Play - Unless otherwise stated the order of play is always The GM, then in a clockwise direction from the Instigator. Sides - Your character's position in a repartee. There is nearly always at least two sides in a repartee - it is very important that any card or counter played in repartee is always defined as to what exactly it represent, and what your side means.

Turn Order

  1. The Instigator defines who their character is trying to convince, and what they are trying to convince them of. Usually this is the person or persons with whom they are currently conversing. If they wish to influence others, they must first get their attention.
  2. Reputation — The Instigator can place any applicable reputation counters they wish on the table to represent their initial ability to convince others. Other players may then apply their reputation to their side of the repartee, add it to the Instigator's or remove counters from one of the sides currently on the table.
  3. Instigate — The instigator plays a card from their hand according to the action they are taking (Wit, Flattery, Conviction or Spite).
  4. If the instigator does not wish to roleplay the conversation for the card but merely describes what it represents, someone else may. The instigator should turn card horizontal. This includes the GM or other players even if they have no characters present. They are speaking on behalf of the instigator's character. This is equivalent to Participating in the repartee. If a different player roleplays their character's conversation, turn the card back to vertical.
  5. Actions — Every character involved in the repartee may then have an action.
    • If a player plays a card to Encourage or Argue, they need not roleplay what their character says, but can just turn the card horizontal and describe my character is encouraging/arguing this side“. This allows other players to come up with what their character actually does say, and participate if they desire. If a different player roleplays their character's conversation, turn the card back to vertical.”
    • If a player (or the GM) wishes to Introduce a new side to the repartee, they add a new card without replacing an existing card. You must roleplay the creation of a new side in the repartee.
    • If a player (or the GM) wishes to Concede their side to the repartee, and no other player has modified their card in any way, they turn their card over.
  6. Ending — After the first round, the instigator should check to see if the repartee has reached its end.
    • If there is only one card on the table (meaning that no one wished to contest the topic).
    • If there is only one face up card on the table (meaning that all other sides have conceded).
    • If one side of the argument shows an King, the highest card (meaning the argument for that side is irrefutable).
    • If no cards are changed in a round (meaning that everyone participated, but was satisfied with the values of the arguments).
    • If there is a Major Arcana card on the table - the repartee has been interrupted.


  • Instigate a topic of conversation — Play a card to start a Repartee. The Instigator may also roleplay the conversation of their character, but need not.
  • Introduce a new side to the repartee — Play a card to represent a new side in the current repartee. You must roleplay your character's conversation.
  • Interrupt the conversation — Play a Major Arcana card onto the table, ending the repartee. When you play the card, you must describe how the repartee is interrupted. You can use any of the images on the card, or the meaning of the card.
  • Concede your side of the argument — If no other player has modified the card representing your side in a repartee, you can turn the card over and concede the argument. While you will lose the card, you will not have your Beliefs modified.
  • Encourage the topic — Play a card of higher value to replace the current card representing one side of a topic
    • The current card you are replacing must be equal to or lower than your character's relevant stat.
    • The current card goes into your hand.
  • Argue a topic — Play a lower value card to replace the current card representing one side of a topic
    • The current card you are replacing must be equal to or lower than your character's relevant stat.
    • The current card goes into your hand.
  • Participate in the topic — Without playing a card, you roleplay for your character in the repartee.


  • If your character is arguing for something they believe in, add the value of your Belief to that card.
  • If your character is arguing against something they believe in, subtract the value of your Belief from that card.


  • The Instigator — The Instigator should look at all the reputations they have for those they involve in the repartee (ie the characters present).
    • Take that amount of counters and place them with the initial card.
    • The Instigator may only use the highest applicable reputation they have.
  • Other Debators — When other characters take part they should look at their own applicable reputations.
    • Take the highest scoring reputation that is relevant (ie it applies to at least one other character present)
      • either:
      1. add counters to the Instigator's card
      2. add counters to whichever other card on the table represents the side of the repartee they wish to support or


New or Old Favours

It is possible to repartee a new Favour from someone, or to get rid of an existing Favour. The difficulty depends on the level of the favour, the differences in classes and how many other characters are present to overhear. Add all the numbers together, and that is how much you will need to overcome to obtain or get rid of a favour.

  • Only one attempt at a favour with a given person can be done per day.
  • The arguements for obtaining a favour do actually have to make sense, and may also be truthful (i.e. You may not know this, my dear Duke, but I have lowered the wharf fees in my province recently which will go good for those with goods to ship such as yourself. “
  • Favour types
    • Trivial (1), Minor (3), Significant (5), Major (7), Oath (10)
  • For each difference in Class
    • +/- 2
  • For each difference in Rank (ie First Class Tradesman to a Second Class, or a Knight to a Count)
    • +/- 1
  • For each person present other than those involved in the Favour
    • +1

Cashing in Favours

A favour is worth points towards victory in repartee. You can only cash in a favour if it is relevant and will affect all the characters on the opposing side(s). The GM should decide if this is the case or not. You must roleplay how you apply the favour in the current repartee (i.e. I believe the count will back me up on this when I say the King is indeed a liar”).“


At the end of the repartee the following events occur-

  1. Winner Determination
    • The side with the highest face up card wins the repartee.
      • If there are more than one card with the highest value, the repartee is inconclusive.
    • If the repartee was interrupted, the character(s) with the highest card(s) win a partial victory.
  2. Discards
    • All face-up Kings and Major Arcana cards are discarded.
    • Any player may choose to discard as many of their own cards as they like.
  3. Returns
    • All face-up cards currently on the table are returned to the players who played them.
  4. New Cards
    • All face-down cards and discarded cards are reshuffled into the deck.
    • All players who participated in the repartee receive one card from the deck.


Full Victory

  1. Check the Beliefs of the characters involved in the repartee who have not conceded. Compare them to the argument that the winner of the repartee was making
    • If the Beliefs as diametrically opposed, then they will be reduced.
    • If the Beliefs are the same, then they will be added to.
    • If they have no Beliefs that are relevant, they will get a new Belief.
  2. The number added or subtracted is based on the difference between the winner's card and their card minus the differences in classes (a peasant will have difficulty convincing the king of anything)
    • Any Belief at zero is removed.
    • Any negative numbered Belief should be reworded into its opposite and made positive. (i.e. “The King is a liar: -4” would become “The King is honest: 4”)
    • A Belief may only be modified once per day.

Difference between the cards-classPoints added/removed to the Belief
Upto 50% of the original card's value (i.e. between 5 clubs and 7 clubs of the same class)1
Upto 100% of the original card's value (i.e. between 5 clubs and 10 clubs of the same class)2
Over 100% of the original card's value (i.e. between 5 clubs and Queen of clubs of the same class)3

Partial Victory

  • Any player who wins a partial victory can choose to instigate a repartee at any time in the future with the card value they had played - even if they no longer possess that card. None of the original characters need be present for this new repartee either.
  • For the first round of that new repartee, no player may argue down their card.
roleplaying/versailles/versaillesrepartee.txt · Last modified: 2014/03/20 21:28 by