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The Bridge

  • The bridge of the Lady Jane is a domed circle, taking up two decks. In many respects, it resembles the deck of the original USS Enterprise.
  • The lift debouches between the two deck levels. Ramps slope down around the circumference to the lower deck level. There is one station (normally the captain) at the level of the lift, with stairs leading down around it. In front of that station, there are two side by side, at the lower level. Normally, these are helm and targ. There are four other non-specific stations around the circumference.
  • All stations can be reconfigured for any crew position or combination of positions. The captain’s codes can override any command, and can be used to grant or deny access to specific commands.
  • Any sensible crew member will customise his station by moving controls, creating macros, etc.. Customised stations are easier for the person who designed them to use, and more difficult for others (unless they trained under the person who designed it and haven’t had time to develop their own style).
  • Commonly, engineering crew won’t even be on the bridge, they’ll do their job from one of the engineering stations.
  • The bridge has holographic projectors throughout, making it possible (and usual) to project a view of outside space, or a star map, or any other schematic the crew needs, ALL AROUND the bridge crew. In a normal view, the bridge crew will see the bridge as a clear dome with a 360° x 220° view of space. Doors appear if you look carefully enough. Other crew members and their stations will get in the way of the view. The three main bridge positions traditionally show the view below the vessel as part of the station display, so as to give a full view.
  • Because the view is holographic, it is 3D, and some objects may appear to float inside the bridge. But it’s not as advanced as the Star Trek holodeck. There are no force fields to give the impression of solidity.
  • The computers are pretty bright. They can be given complex instructions and interpret them for most situations. For instance, they could be instructed “Take us from point A to point B, using the most fuel-efficient safe course. If anything approaches, alert the watch officer and avoid the object until further instructions. Respond to any hails with standard message XXX. Head away from any hostile object at best possible speed.” There are probably situations in which these instructions would fail, but they’d be a surprise. Any action the computer took to follow these instructions would be fairly formulaic, and easily analysed and predicted by a decent computer or competent captain.

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roleplaying/starblazer/ships/tlj_bridge.txt · Last modified: 2010/11/22 15:31 by