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The Simeret are the youngest of the Kamarathin races, said to have been created by dark priests of Crimmor and Merdashtes as shock troops during the Scale Wars. Few remember these rumors and fewer still believe them, although their militaristic and often evil nature does lend the tales credence.


Simeret resemble winged lizardmen or humanoid dragons, with a draconic head filled with sharp, dagger-like teeth and reptilian eyes. They have sharp claws at the end of their fingers and toes and a thick tail that is about half as long as the Simeret is tall.

Large, leathery wings sprout from their backs with a wingspan equal to twice the Simerets height. These wings provide the Dragon-folk with the ability to fly. Their bodies are covered in thick scales easily the equal of a rhino’s hide.

The Simeret have no single coloring with each individual being different. The colors range from iridescent, vibrant primaries all the way to drab grays and browns. Their eyes are always red, however.

The average Simeret will stand at around 6’ tall and weigh in at a solid 200 lbs.

Simeret have an extended lifespan, attaining adulthood at the age of 15 and considered middle aged around 180. Most do not live beyond the age of 300.

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roleplaying/hero/tba/characters/simeret.txt · Last modified: 2009/07/23 23:13 by