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A brief rundown on some of the professions you may wish to have in Kamarathin. Feel free to mix, change or add any of your own.


Adventuring Merchant

Mercantile trade makes the world go round; it is the lifeblood of any kingdom. The adventuring merchant package represents those individuals who are willing to travel to distant lands, braving the unknown for the chance to discover that lucrative, exotic trade route.


The Vaerdi religion centers around the Cult of the Bear called Thodinrir. This religion teaches that the Vaerdi are the guardians of Araw, the bear god, who sleeps under the Akin-et-Togo. The head of the cult is called the Afknir. This individual is almost always one of the famed shape shifters.

Aigulf Noble

An Aigulf noble is expected to be an example to his people. He is not only held to the same ideals of his fellow Aigulf, but he is expected to exceed them. The best warrior, the best herdsman, the best storyteller, the best drinker and even the best in bed are all titles a noble of the Aigulf must strive to attain and hold in order to keep the respect of his fellow Aigulf. This package assumes that the character is the child of a noble and still has much to prove before he or she can take on the mantle of leadership themselves.


Archers are warriors who have focused their skills on the use of a bow. Archers can be extremely effective at range but generally suffer once combat has reached them. Until that moment, however, archers are superb at supporting their more heavily armored brethren.


Armigers represent those people who have dedicated their lives to the art of war. These fighters are strong, skilled and fast. Highly trained and highly dedicated to the art of war, they are the fighter’s fighter in every sense of the word.

Atharian Academy Wizard

The Atharian Wizard studied at one of the major universities, and either graduated or actively works towards graduation. They come from many different walks of life, and join the Academy for many and varied reasons, and under wildly different circumstances. Dedication to the Academy and to the preservation and research of magic are the driving factors for any Atharian.

Atharian Hedge Wizard

’Hedge Wizard’ encompasses all of those who practice Atharian Magic without the consent of the Royal Academy. These magicians lack the philosophical inheritance and pride that marks an Academy wizard, however they also represent a clear and tangible threat to the Academy structure; if one individual can learn magic outside of the walls of the Academy, than anyone can, and that knowledge can damage the Academy, the control that it developed and its position within the Kingdom. For these reasons, the Academy pursues Hedge Wizards throughout the Kingdom.



Backbiters are the opposite of the Armiger in both skill set and mentality. The Backbiters are dedicated to the shadows and striking from ambush. Though they are capable of straightforward combat, they are far more skilled at removing targets from behind and from surprise.


Bandits rely on intimidation and reputation to persuade their victims to drop their weapons and coin purses. While perfectly capable warriors and survivors, they would much rather avoid a confrontation that descends into swordplay.


Bards are a bit of an exception to the rule in that they are rarely the type of person to preach the morality and lessons that tend to go hand in hand with the other faith based spell casters. Instead, bards are seekers of stories and knowledge.

Bards travel across the lands looking for lost sagas and esoteric legends in which they can collect, learn and in turn, teach to others. They love to tell stories and will never hesitate to take a seat and spin a yarn, whether the tale is their own or ancient beyond measure is irrelevant to them.

Bezzi Shaman

Shamans are the primary spell-casters and are highly respected among the tribes. The Bezzi shamans are well known for their ability to take on the forms of insects, animals, and vegetation. Many a Tursh or Aigulf warband has been slaughtered by a single shaman who was able to strike and disappear within the marsh, disguised as a plant or animal.

Bezzi Wanderer

Some Bezzi sign on to river boats as guides and translators, others brave the outside world, captured by the mystique of the so-called ‘civilized’ life. These Wanderers are often met with suspicion and prejudice until they reach the duchies and lands furthest from the Water Wood where their kind are either better known or never heard of.

Bezzi Warrior

Bezzi warriors are skilled woodsmen and combatants. While they are stronger than their average tribesmen, their primary strength relies in stealth and ambush. Combined with their knowledge and use of local toxins, the Bezzi are able to field a frightening guerilla force that strike and then fade into the swamps.


This package represents someone who has had his fair share of fist fights and has managed to learn a thing or two that gives him an advantage over the typical fighter.


Caravan Guard

Overland trade is always a dangerous prospect; between the weather and the terrain there are countless ways that a caravan could be lost. Another threat is bandits and thieves who have proven to be even more deadly than a flash flood. To combat this threat every caravan master worth his salt hires as many swords as he can to protect his investment.


Shamans, called Caiute, are always female and are generally the leaders of any given Kvonite tribe, though this is not an absolute.

Caiute preside over any event that the tribe deems significant. This can range from the birth of a child, a hunt, a battle, the creation of a new teepee, mating, or even the naming of a horse.


Not all heroes are brought forth fully armed and armored or slinging spells straight from the womb. The vast majority have a much more mundane origin. Carpenters are merely one of the myriad occupations that are possible within the kingdom.


Not all heroes are brought forth fully armed and armored or slinging spells straight from the womb. The vast majority have a much more mundane origin. Chirurgeons (surgeons) are merely one of the myriad occupations that are possible within the kingdom.



Within the Old Faith of the Tursh it is the Druids who act as the spiritual advisors. Unlike the priests of other religions, the Druids do not pass judgment or dictate morality. Instead it is their duty to keep the followers of their faith safe from the predations of Spirits.

Druids walk the line between the mortal and spirit worlds keeping the barrier between them as strong as possible. The Druids know all too well what can happen when they merge—the Great Darkness is strong in their oratories.



Serving in one of the ducal house guards or even the Royal Guard of Trin is a dangerous and generally short term career. However, there are those who have managed to survive and serve out their term. This package represents those soldiers.



Not all heroes are brought forth fully armed and armored or slinging spells straight from the womb. The vast majority have a much more mundane origin. Farmers are merely one of the myriad occupations that are possible within the kingdom.


Fighter is a generic term for a skilled warrior, someone who has been trained in the arts of war. This individual uses heavy armor, weapons and special talents/skills that he has trained and perfected for most of his life.


Not all heroes are brought forth fully armed and armored or slinging spells straight from the womb. The vast majority have a much more mundane origin. Fishermen are merely one of the myriad occupations that are possible within the kingdom.



Those who make their living by the toss of the dice or play of the cards are represented by this package. A combination of skill, charm and blind luck are the tools of the trade for these people.


Heavy Fighter

Heavy Fighters believe in keeping a thick layer of armor between themselves and the enemy. Mobility is sacrificed for the ability to deflect and absorb large amounts of damage. These warriors are much more likely to go through an opponent than to dance around them.



Not all heroes are brought forth fully armed and armored or slinging spells straight from the womb. The vast majority have a much more mundane origin. Innkeepers are merely one of the myriad occupations that are possible within the kingdom. This package assumes that the innkeeper actually owns his own Inn.


The Matharian priests known as Ironborn make up the central aspect of the Cult of the Forge. It is they who tend to the teaching of the Matharian people.

The Ironborn are known far and wide as superb smiths and craftsmen and even more notoriously known as supreme hoarders of this knowledge for their ancestors teach that each person must rely on their own skills in order to gain the strength and will to survive for the return of the A-



This package represents someone that has a knack for taking on any job or someone who has simply done every job. It also allows for someone that gets around and has a variety of knowledge and skills.



In all cities and towns there are those that make their living through the removing of other people’s property and selling it off for their own gain. The Larcenist represents the base line package for these people along with a ton of optional choices that reflect the sheer variety of criminals in the world.

Light Fighter

Unlike their heavier brethren, the light fighter focuses on mobility and skill to keep themselves out of harm’s way. Some do wear armor, but this is relegated to the lighter leathers and cloth rather than wasting energy on moving around in the heavier stuff. Light, quick weapons are the norm as well as bows and thrown weapons to add a bit of variety.


Sons and daughters of minor nobles who have to be granted titles or are not first born are generally referred to as Lordlings. This package represents those lordlings that do not pursue other careers and instead remain among the courtiers of their (or another) families noble house.


Medium Fighter

This package is a compromise between the heavy and light fighters, these warriors tend to be a more “allaround” balanced fighter than the either extreme, though they sacrifice focus in doing so.


Throughout the Olemecan Highlands range small groups of individuals who call themselves Mountaineers. They travel the rocky passes and treacherous peaks searching for Highlanders who have found themselves in danger. They pride themselves on their selfless deeds, rescuing travelers from the dangers of the highlands and from themselves. They are loosely organized and to become a member of this elite organization one must be sponsored by a Mountaineer that is recognized by his peers as being in good standing.

Though they will help those in need no matter the circumstances, their primary goal is to track down and eradicate the bands of Enni slavers and raiders that prey on the peoples of the highlands.


Order of the Spear

At the end of the Scale Wars the warrior god, Asuna held back the tide of evil that was overtaking the world. His actions saved the gods and allowed them to retreat back to their Godslands. As a final act, Asuna struck a mighty blow against the Dark One himself by shoving his spear, the gilded Manalanyes deep into Merdashtes gaping maw. The Dark One slammed shut his mouth, swallowing the spear and taking Asuna’s hand with him as he fled back into the Aether.

Those men and women who join the Order of the Spear focus on the recovery of Manalanyes and range across the known world in search of the mighty spear. Not surprisingly these warriors are exceptional spearmen and tend to be more woodsman than soldier. The commoners tend to be fonder of these paladins as they are composed only of the faithful and not based on the favored bloodlines that tend to define the Paladins of Asuna.


Paladin of Asuna

When the common Tursh thinks of a paladin it is the Paladin of Asuna that comes to mind. Strong and regal of bearing, resplendent in their shining armor and mounted upon a fierce warhorse, the grace and fury of Asuna made manifest.

While the Paladins of Asuna are certainly the oldest and most prestigious of the Asunite warrior orders, it has begun to show its age. The upper echelons have become filled with those who would battle over titles and politics rather than lead the faithful into righteous battle.


Not all heroes are brought forth fully armed and armored or slinging spells straight from the womb. The vast majority have a much more mundane origin. Porters are merely one of the myriad occupations that are possible within the kingdom.


Pyroclasts are the paladins of the Cult of the Forge. They are consummate warriors and focus all of their energy into the mastering of their weapons, armor and fighting skills. This focus is for one purpose: the destruction of the Undead, Soulforged and Soulwarped. So fierce and total is their dedication that the mere sight of an undead will cause a Pyroclast to literally burst into flame and turn them into a raging berserker.



The Rangers are a group of woodsman soldiers that patrol the Lissinia barony looking for Bezzi raiding parties and have even become a form of wandering justice system for the locals. The Rangers are much beloved when they save a village or homestead, but are often talked about with dark intentions when the harvest is poor and the Bezzi raids light.


A Rapscallion is the quintessential go to guy, he’s the one you find when you want to get information in any city. Usually this information has more to do with the underground than getting directions to the local grocer, however.

River Trader

Along the Oighiread, Gaver and Queensreach Rivers you will find a prolific and hardy group of sailor merchants; these folks are aptly called River Traders. As brave as any soldier, as wily as any Rapscallion and as greedy as any merchant, these men and women travel the rivers fighting off bandits and, if you can believe their tales, monsters of all kinds to bring their goods to the furthest inland villages. This package can also represent any of the merchant captains along the Muftharz or Nirian Seas with just a bit of editing.


The Rogue represents the criminal equivalent of the multi-tool. They combine all the fundamentals of living in the underbelly of society, able to sneak and fight with equal proficiency.


The Roofrunner package represents and individual that has focused their skillset almost exclusively on the urban environment. Nobody can move and maneuver through the back alleys and streets of a city like the Roofrunner.



Not all graduates of the Royal Academy are spell casters. In fact, most of the students are there for a more mundane education. The Sage represents these highly trained and knowledgeable individuals.


Sanguinaries aren’t born – they’re taught. There are four primary Enclaves, each oriented geographically in the same pattern as the Atharian Wheel; to the North, Fire, the East, Water, the South, Air, and the West, Earth.

Sanguinary Initiate

Originally tasked with the maintaining of the knowledge of Atharian Magic, now, the Enclaves bend their talents for research and the preservation and discovery of knowledge. Now, in the aftermath of the Scale Wars, the Enclaves seek to expand their knowledge of Atharian magic, and the cause of the Scale Wars.

Burning Gate

Symbolically, the Fire Enclave tests and challenges those who sought to practice Atharian magic, and reach beyond their own world to pull magic from the elemental planes forward. Now, in the modern era, they focus on research to the north of the Plague Wall, and the study of the cultures and societies around it. Like the Panthier, followers of the Burning Gate live for the thrill of a challenge, but also for the opportunity to help others overcome the challenges that face them. They believe in their role as gate keepers that they can prepare themselves, and others, for the challenges that will face them on The Iron Road.

Iron Road

The academics of the Iron Road believe in the significance of the journey itself. While the Fire Enclave can prepare an individual for hardship, members of the Earthen Enclave believe in the power of travel and journey. They are natural wanderers, curiosity seekers, and willingly aid those who seek self improvement. They whole heartedly embrace their role as guardians on what they call the Iron Road; the sequence of challenges and choices that make the journey just as significant as the destination.

Opening Way

The ultimate task of the Opening Way is to discover that which was formerly hidden; to unlock ancient secrets and open formerly closed doors. Located on the edge of the Kesseven Forest, these Sanguinaries have not even begun to discover all that their designated area has to show them. Predominant Armah, the only non-Tursh Predominant and an Aigulf, teaches that the ultimate purpose of the wind is to push things; to open new ways, to show new paths, and to serve as the catalyst for greatness.

River Within

Among the Enclaves, these Sanguinaries are considered the most introspective, a reputation that has spread among the other Enclaves, as the history of the Plague Wall has been studied more fully. Unlike the other three, who specialize in history and current events, the River Within places its focus squarely on the changes that occur within an individual, more so than the world around them. They share a similar philosophy to the Enclave of the Iron Road, in they believe deeply in the power of the journey, but whereas the Earth Enclave trains for survival on the road itself, the River trains for recognition of the self when the journey ends. This proto-philosophical bent confounds the Burning Gate, as they believe in taking charge of events when possible, especially when those events could bring harm to others. The world of the River Within does not have the luxury of taking direct action; they live in a world of politics. Living and studying the Capital as their current task has created a deep appreciation of politics and a need for patience in their dealings.


Savants are those people who are just naturally gifted. They generally are not very well trained if even educated at all, but just somehow manage to know how to do stuff, and does it phenomenally well in most cases.


A staple in any military force; scouts range ahead of the main body seeking out potential threats and uncovering ambushes. Once battle is joined they are sent to the flanks of the enemy to sow discord and disrupt supply lines. Scouts tend to travel light and prefer to strike from range rather than to close with the enemy.

Secular Knight

A knight is taught to defend his honor from any threat but most importantly, to defend his Lord and the honor of his House. Through this duty, knights are often used as thugs and enforcers by the more notorious nobles, but more often as symbols of the Lord’s Law within his demesne. On the field of battle they are used as shock troops and heavy cavalry, their skill and honor acting as a beacon among the levied soldiers at their side.


Spellcasters of the 12 Seals


Few people would turn away the opportunity to work with an Aegian caster; they demonstrate both excellent combat abilities as well as healing powers. Some of them also employ defensive and guard-related magics. Their particular spell array lends itself well to being on the front or second line in a fight, and they have additional magics used to support the party as a whole outside of battle. This wide spread versatility comes at the cost of a deeper spell library; much of Aegia's spells were crafted to be purely utilitarian, leading to comparatively little depth or diversity. Wolf magic tends to be direct and to the point, as do the Wolves themselves.


The Sentinels of Bellaria (the historical figure herself; her inheritors are often known as ‘Bellarians,’) have a fierce reputation as being strong, dedicated, and nearly unswerving from their duty. The detractors of Bellaria Sealbearers maintain that this is because they are neither brighter nor more creative than the massive primordial boar that turns silently in the sky, but much like that great beast, they are devoted to their charges, and are more than capable of lethal force when provoked


Cala Sealbearers are very much jacks-of-all-trades. They excel at borrowing; while the Duallans have their mirrors, the Calans prefer to do things the old fashioned way. They (sometimes subconsciously) pocket small, shiny objects. Their heads tend to snap back and forth when they're being observant, and in some cases their hair resembles so much feathery down. Above all this, however, the Cala hold dominion over the mind, capable of stealing almost anything, including thought-forms themselves.


Masters of deception and in turn, masters of truths, both great and personal, Duallans contain both their own version of reality, and the reality of the mirror within themselves. While there are other Seals that are more devoted to the raw pursuit of greater truths and higher reasons, those inheritors of Dualla represent the concepts of truth and deception, to the thin white lie that separates promise from peril.


Those born to the sign of Estheria are often easily picked out for their striking attractiveness, possessed of the grace and beauty of the deer of their Seal. Embodied in each Estherian is a strange blend of capriciousness, reliability and wisdom. While they at times are seen as free and easy as a young fawn, they are most commonly perceived in the role of the caretaker and purifier. Many, however, seem to channel the wisdom of ages; giving Estherian’s a strong place as counselors and purveyors of wisdom.


The Wheel signifies fortune, but not balance. Holding one position on the wheel for an extended period of time doesn’t mean that one is entitled to a new one; those who adhere to the course of the Wheel, whether widdershins or deasil, believe that things fall in a pattern. They do not necessarily believe in causes or reasons for things, as much as they think that all things eventually come around. For Haislin, misfortune and prosperity come in equal value. We all occupy a position on the Wheel, and the Wheel is ever turning.


The Kaindan are among the most celebrated of the twelve Seals; they represent everything that the people of the Kingdom look for in a hunter; compelling, talented, skilled. This is somewhat offset by the natural awkwardness of the Kaindan. While the general perception is that they are compelling, proud and solitary hunters, the truth is that like any great hunter, Kaindan works best in a group. Neither so weak that they should be relegated to the back, nor tough enough to be a singular combatant, Kaindans are well balanced and strong contributors to any party.


They don’t view the world in the same way many other Sealbearers do, because it doesn’t mean the same thing to them. With a world view that comes from an understanding that time is almost entirely meaningless, by extension, it means they have much difficulty talking about the world as they view it as they do living in it. The world, despite their protestations, remains primarily linear. The Ohanzet Seal however, because of their inability to comprehend time normally, remain incredibly focused on the tasks they set for themselves. One word alone truly sums up the Ohanzet: relentless, and they wear it with pride.


Regularly accused of needless belligerence, Panthier are in fact more often than not unaware of other people’s boundaries, with their primary concern being on pushing themselves forwards, to greater achievements and glory. That single trait, the never ceasing willingness to strive and push forwards makes them amazing to so many others; what makes them insufferable is that they assume everyone else should strive with the same fervor and dedication. They view the world around them as a massive, active competition, with opponents waiting to be engaged, conquered, and the prizes won.


Ramiel still holds a proud place among the practitioners of the Atharia; his traits and abilities make him an excellent leader under many different conditions and situations. Ramiel inheritors tend to respond both swiftly and intelligent to new situations, and have a strong command of themselves under duress. Their command of Fire magic and their Talents make them valuable members of nearly any group. Like most Fire signs, Ramiel Sealbearers are best suited for the front line, although there are those who play the role of the Proud Monarch, commanding from the back.


Inheriting Sevda’s Seal leads to a series of difficult life choices; the command that Sevda has over life and death, and the cycle of trust and betrayal is compelling at its weakest, and dominating at its finest. Sevda Sealbearers have a well earned reputation for their talents of intimacy and their ability to toy with emotions. They, themselves, often have a great amount of difficulty making long term attachments, although convincing someone else of how they feel is much easier than facing one’s own emotions.


The Fourth, and many consider the most approachable of the Seals of Erudition, Veritais is knowledge in action. Carrying fire, racing against time, and facing many trials and perils, this Seal goes to great lengths to bring light and knowledge into the world around them, often at great expense and to the detriment of their own safety.


The Aigulf clan is basically divided into three classes: the Nobility, composed of herd owners and warriors; the Skalds, men of art, learning, crafts, and religious leaders; and the Commoners who own no herds, instead working the herds of the nobility.

Craftsmanship and technical skills are highly regarded by the Aigulf and mastery of a craft could alter one's social status. The possessors of those skills, the Skalds, are free of other clan obligations. They are free to travel between the grazing lands controlled by different clans. Their skills are respected wherever they go and they are accepted and welcomed without threat


Swashbucklers are a relatively new sight within the Kingdom of Tursh. The art of fencing has come from the Island of Lorag and while it is all the rage there and has even found a home in the Kingdom of Beilean, it is generally looked down upon by your average Tursh warrior. The prancing style and delicate rapier are considered very un-warrior-like to the Tursh who prefer a more brutal and “in your face” fighting style.



When one thinks of a thief, this is the package they think of. The Thief package represents the classic skill set that we have all come to expect. It includes the stealth, the climbing, the pickpocketing and the detecting and disarming of traps.


Not all heroes are brought forth fully armed and armored or slinging spells straight from the womb. The vast majority have a much more mundane origin. Tinkers are merely one of the myriad occupations that are possible within the kingdom.


Tumblers are most often found with traveling troubadours, minstrels and acrobats; however, there are those who have turned their skills to a life more dangerous. These souls will utilize their training for a highly mobile if a bit unorthodox fighting style or to enhance a newly acquired set of thieving skills.


Vaerdi Hunter

Among the Vaerdi you are always a hunter and a warrior, but even among these people there is specialization. This package represents those that are particularly skilled at hunting.

Vaerdi Warrior

While a skilled warrior of any kind can be a frightening sight, it is the Vaerdi Warrior that has entered a rage that will make even a seasoned veteran soil his small clothes.



The warrior package was constructed to represent those members of less civilized cultures who have taken up the way of tribal defender and warrior. However, it isn’t necessarily limited to only those individuals. This package can easily represent any person who has become an accomplished, but ill-disciplined or trained, combatant.


Not all heroes are brought forth fully armed and armored or slinging spells straight from the womb. The vast majority have a much more mundane origin. Woodcutters are merely one of the myriad occupations that are possible within the kingdom.

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