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Wunderwaffen!!! - Secret German Warmachines of WW 2

Photomanipulations and renders - Curufea and Susano Briefings and message interceptions - Rotor Baron Hero writeups - Susano


zeppellins.jpg THIS IS A MESSAGE OF THE GROßDEUTSCHER SENDER - connected are all radio-stations in THE REICH, the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the General Gouvernment and in the German occupied territories. Paris, June 25 - Today, our Führer and Chancellor of the Reich, Adolf Hitler instected the newly-build blimp-docking station at the former site of the Eiffel-Tower. The first three Zeppelins will see service in the next days and will be joined by a fourth one. Der Führer was very pleased with the results and complimented in passing Dr. Müller-Müllersen “for his good work for the Reich and the population of Paris”. The Zeppelins will be used to secure civilian air-traffic to and from Paris and Berlin. (End of Message)

(Secret Report of Maurice Fuson, member of the Resistance, to General De Gaul, leader of the Free French Government in Exile, London: “My General, the Germans have started to turn the Eiffel Tower into a docking station for four special cargo zeppelins. It turns out that the purpose of theses zeppelins is to transport a giant bomb to London to erradicate the whole city if the British govenment does not give in to the demand of Großdeutschland. The operation is code-named “Operation Normannensturm” (Operation Norman's Storm”) and headed by Göring and Dr. Clausenhausen. Dr. Müller-Müllersen is an assistent of Clausenhausen. The bomb is still under construction in a secret lab in Germany - I guess at the Krupp Works in Essen. I spoke with a French worker who know a little German and he told me that he heard an officer mentioning the weekend of last June as a possible date for the “zeppelins to start with the servive” - so that might be the date of the operation.)


ed.jpg (fanfares, symbol of the Reichsadler with swastika on the movie screen) West Front - Normandy. After first moments of limited success the British and American invasion came to a standstill since our Führer and Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler commanded the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) (= Wehrmacht High Command) to deploy the newest of Germany's Wunderwaffen - The Schreitpanzer “Wildkatze” (Wildcat). The “Wildkatze” has firepower superior to an Allied infantry company and is especially designed for close combat in cities, towns and the hedges of Northern France. Each “Wildkatze” packs a double-charge to punch through the armor of the American Sherman tanks! Here we show you the photo-footage taken from a killed American journalist from the battle of the village of Namur - now again safely in German hands.


raumschiff.jpg Only to be shown to General staff members and heads of state/ government President Roosevelt., Prime Minister Churchhill and General Secretary Marshal Stalin at Yalta Conference!

“This is copy of a German film recorded during the first week of January 1945, most likely in the general vicinity of Penemünde in Northern Germany. This is a translation of the German text that goes with it:

'This is the result of the last test run of the new type of rocket-propelled Vengeance Weapon V-3. The test has been a great success! The rocket took of as planned and has enough pull to be most likely to reach any destination on the East Coast of the United States or any target in Bolshevik occupied territory up to the Ural Mountains. As ordered by the Führer, the rocket should be able to transport the equivalent of explosive to level an area of about 2 square kilometers - enough to destroy the inner city districts of either London, Moscow or New York. Because London is still under sufficient attack by our V-2 rockets and we assume that Stalin has left Moscow we advice the Oberkommando (High Command) der Wehrmacht to propose to our Führer to launch an attack on New York. We firmly believe the a NEW YORK RAKETE will utterly destroy the will of the American population to support the war effort of their Jewish dominated government and shift the public oppinion towards an armistic with Deutschland to fight side by side against the Bolshevik menace. To make this strategic shift in this most decisive time of the war possible we need special authorization to speed-up the building of another V-3 rocket - we need rocket fuel, special steels for the hull and more able-bodied workers for the workforce of the local concentration camps is virtually worn out and manpower is short! Heil Hitler! Dr. Clausenhausen; Dr. Müller-Müllersen; Dr. Werner von Braun


ogre.jpg Ratte Ausf.G Weight: 1000t Length: 35m Width: 14m Height: 11m Armaments: 280mm cannons x2

(Main turret)

Kugelblitz AA guns x 8

(smaller turrets on the main one)

Twin 88mm cannons x 1

(You have to look, but the twin 88s are located in a turret right above the Iron Cross insignia next the red 1.)

(There are also 6 secondary turrets, each with that looks like a 75mm cannon. I say 75, since the tank to the far left is a King Tiger mounting an 88 in its turret.)

MESSERSCHMIDT ME- 666 Strahlenflieger "Fledermaus"

tie.jpg This is a recording of an impromptu hearing on the loss of app. 413 Allied bombers and fighter planes during an air raid on January 31st, 1945. Participants are Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, all members of the war government of the UK, the Generals De Gaulle and Eisenhower and William D. Donovan, head of the O.S.S. - several other secret service or military personell were also present but remain unlisted.

The audio-recording is to be stored as a TOP SECRET document in the vaults of the Ministry of War. It is not no be disclosed till February 1st, 2046.

“Mr. Prime Minister, Members of his Majesty's Government, Generals, Gentlemen! It seems that the rumours about a new German fighter plane are true. As you all know we lost about 50% of our bombers during last Friday's offensive over Düsseldorf and Hamburg - and only one plane reached the outskirts of Berlin and came back! We are supposed to have air superiority! That is - until two days ago. On the picture that I are about to show you we see one of the new squadrons that attacked our planes - the German propaganda refers to their new “wunderwaffe” as the MESSERSCHMIDT ME- 666 Strahlenflieger “Fledermaus”. The Plane seems to have two modes of flying - regular and - as you see with the middle plane - dive-attack mode. According to rough estimation by Spitfire and Hurricane crews who got away from what can only be described as a massacer in the sky these “Bats” are with regular flying mode as fast as our fighter planes going top speed and in dive-attack mode about twice as fast. All these facts are undeniable and I know that you and your nations now want an answer to the question: How can we cancel this threat? The situation is indeed a dire one. At the moment the R.A.F. and American planes defend the British capital against these newly appeared flying machines from hell, but how long can they prevent London to turn into ashes by this New Blitz …?” - [voices of Churchill and Eisenhower, several others - incomprehensible]

“Yes, gentlemen. YES! I said from HELL! And I mean it! Look: two weeks ago the Germans had hardly any fuel to lift a dozen planes from the ground and keep them in the air for 30 minutes - let alone capable pilots. And now, all the sudden, they have about 50 of these machines, gasoline without limit and enough highly trained pilots to man and fly these machines for hours and hours. We have reports on our hand that suggest that some of these machines were involved in ACTIVE FIGHTING for 8 hours without refueling, fighting first above Düsseldorf, then Hamburg and then they wiped out our bombers - or what was left of them - while they were trying to retreat to the U.K.” “You and I, we are all rational men. And because of that we have to take into account all the information about German mystical research. You all thought, and I hoped faithfully, that this was all part of Himmler's mumbo-jumbo believes or - in my case - that the Allied military advances would destroy the Nazi dreams of a new supernatural miracle weapon. Alas, we were wrong. But not all is lost: I offer you my help! And Mr. Donovan has already second my idea to set up a circle of mystics and psychics to find ways to keep the hellish “Fledermaus”-Planes away from British cities and to work on a counter-spell. Mr. Donovan has all my proposals for the needed personell and resources for this most important enterprise. Please allow me to leave you now and to await the results of your considerations.” (End of recording)

The voice of the speaker was later identified as that of the famous mystic-psychic Dr. Harold van Helsing-Brown, called “The Sorceror in Scarlet”



roleplaying/hero/resources/pulp/wunderwaffen.txt · Last modified: 2006/09/27 16:32 by