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Rhandom Quotes

SPG / Rhand

“It won't do you any good to kill me. I always come back”

  • IPAARB Marshal of the Guard

“You can never have too much armor.”

  • Trebor Nawoc

“A good sword is the soul of a warrior. It is also 499 silver pieces retail.”

  • Stuart Tank

“If you hit them hard enough, they can't complain.”

  • Field Marshal Paul Maul

“That looks pretty fatal-I think you have to return to the character generation section.”

  • One character to another

“Hold! I've been struck from behind.”

  • Angus the Obese

“The Edge, the Edge, not the Flat!”

  • The Instructor, Weaponmaster of Spectra

“We are in the right, you know.”

  • Sindred

“You have fought well, Knight, and I accept your surrender. Uh, could you stop bleeding on my armor? Do you know how expensive this is?”

  • McDraco

“Fools! None shall oppose me and live!”
“Now you die!”
“You'll never escape me now!”

  • Excerpts, Path of Power Standard Dialogue Manual

“It's terrible! Look how many men you've lost! How many more will you send to their doom?”

  • Vladimir the Just

“As many as it takes.”

  • Field Marshal Paul Maul

Thump…Clatter…Thud. “Next!”

  • Gregor negotiating with the orc envoy

“Those people have no respect for human life.”

  • An innocent bystander

“Not another midnight raid. I'm getting too old for this.”

  • Fredor, Lord of the Inner Sea

What do you seek most in life, my son?

  • A Character

“My recurring nightmare is being 5th level and trapped in a world of firsts.”

  • Louie, the One-Armed Wonder

“Boil him until he cracks.”

  • Excerpt, The Egg's Interrogation Manual

“Another round of shakes and fries for my men!”

  • Angus the Obese

“How should I have known he wasn't any good? He said he was equally skilled with all weapons.”

  • Louis Anvil

“I can't take it! I give up! We're doomed! We're all going to die!”

  • Gerfel of Argh

“Hey Gerfel, wake up, can you here me? You're dying.”

  • Trebor Nawoc

“Will I have to remember any of this?”

  • Phoenix, man at arms, Auxiliary Line

“No, where you're going, it won't matter.”

  • Silver Targa Xenese, Spinward Mission Briefing

“…And here comes Ronald Unreasonable to throw out the first spear…:

  • Sports commentator at the XXIIIrd Rhandom Games

“No point in a rescue attempt. He was carried away by Birdmen-20 pounds at a time.”

  • Derek

“That thing is worse than a food processor. It slices. It dices. It turned Julienne into fries!”

  • Trebor Nawoc

“We are in the right, you know.”

  • Sindred

“Being decimated isn't so bad. It's only ten percent casualties.”

  • Sindred

“If that's the case, decimate them ten-fold.”

  • King Phillip the Heavy Handed

“Nobody would make a trap this elaborate unless there was something important here. Bury them later, we must go on!”

  • Darantz

“Well, you can just die then.”

  • End of many negotiations

“The pen may be mightier than the sword, but I fear the sword more.”

  • Fredor, Lord of the Inner Sea

“Duck and dodge, weave and OUCH!”

  • Sidevelix Janel, Squad Leader, Vanguard Line


  • Battle cry of Lahca, Mobile Line Lancer

“Good catch, sirrah!”

  • Tyrus Rex, master of Shaken, the Flying Death

“Everyone shoot the man on the left.”

  • Traditional Jineta battle tactic

“Chivalry is dead, and so are you!”

  • Larz the Magician, Generally Considered A Not-Nice Person

“You can't fool me, it's all done with mirrors.”

  • Tarmac, Gold Targa

“I see a storm coming. Uh, why don't you be the standard bearer?”

  • Trebor Nawoc to his aide

“Eat Flaming Death!”

  • Huzzah the Magnificent

Extended Death Spell
Cost 1000MF
“As regular Death Spell, but also affects target's family, relatives, friends, business associates, acquaintances, and strangers who bear a faint physical resemblance. Especially effective against tight-knit clans, but not as good as the Genocide Spell.”

  • Surviving scrap from Marak's Encyclopedia Magicus recovered from the Crypt of Iso

“Let's plant him and see what grows!”

  • Kneedeepdulac Demonicus, Chief Jailer of Zungel

“How was I to know you can't parallel park a sailing ship?”

  • The Boss

“I think I hear someone coming. Try to bleed more quietly.”

  • Seth, Squad Leader, Primary Line

“I wouldn't call it storming the walls when we're only using one ladder.”

  • Draclod

“They seem to have recycled their plowshares.”

  • Trebor Nawoc

“Right then! No more goodness and niceness!”

  • Darantz

“Don't worry about a thing. Just tuck behind that shield and charge. We'll be right behind you.”

  • Trebor

“Say, that looks pretty sharp. I don't suppose we could just arm wrestle over this?”

  • Alferd

“What do you mean the worst he could do is kill a few of us up front?”

  • Gerfel

“Now, remember, you guys in the front. If you feel like you're dying, try to fall on their spears as you go down.”

  • Agrat

“How come, just because I have a shield, I always have to be in the front?”

  • Alferd

“We'll start by trying to get some allies. If that doesn't work, we'll sabotage everything in sight. And if they still don't give us what we want, then we're back to booting head.”

  • The Death Clowns

“You can never be too rich or too violent.”

  • B. Toast

“The first lesson in war, my son, is that you can only parry a sword blow with your hand once.”

  • Louie the One-Armed Wonder

“It is usually better to be stuck through than cut through. On the other hand, being mashed flat isn't so bad.”

  • Death Bunny

“Oh, great, Dirk. One little stab in the intestines and you go down.”

  • Terras

“Look Dirk, if you're going to bleed, bleed on the enemy.”

  • Horatio

“Well, Dirk, if you're going to die, could you at least die in a strategically useful position?”

  • Norman Steele

“Die! Die! Die!”

  • Megaray

“That's Unreasonable!”
“That's Disgusting!”
“Frankly, I'm shocked and appalled.”

  • Horatio

“Have we found Louis?”

  • Blackjack

“Well, most of him.”

  • Mojo Whiteleg
roleplaying/hero/ls/spg_rhand.txt · Last modified: 2006/06/14 01:44 by