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Table 528 - Tragedies

When rolling on Table 528 - Tragedies roll 1D20 and add your Social Mod to the roll.

Roll Tragedy
-2 or less Wild carnivorous beasts attack. The character receives a serious injury but survives. He is forced to watch 1D4 friends or family devoured by the beasts. Roll on Table 780 - Serious Wounds to determine specific injury
-1 Reroll but do not add your Social mod to the roll
0 Imprisoned for a crime the character did not commit. Roll on Table 875 - Crimes to determine the specifics
1 If the character has children, one of them dies. Roll on the table below. If no children then Reroll.
1-2 : An accident
3 : A fire
4-5 : Disease
6 : Someone's actions. Roll on Table 750 - Others to determine who it was that caused the death, then roll on Table 545 - Death Situations to determine specifics
2 Parents or guardians are imprisoned for not being able to pay taxes. Roll on Table 546 to determine what happens to the character.
3 A favorite pet dies painfully. Roll 1D6, on a result of 5-6 the death was caused by someone. Roll on Table 750 - Others to determine who caused the death.
4 Parents/guardians die. Roll on Table 546 to determine the results.
5 The village or small town where the character lives is wiped out. If the character lives in a large town or city then the area in which the character lives is destroyed. Roll 1D6 for each family member, on a result of 5-6 that relative is killed in the destruction. Roll on the table below.
1 : Disease
2-3 : A terrible fire
4-5 : War
6 : Someone's actions. Roll on Table 750 - Others to determine who caused the destruction.
6 The character is responsible for a death. Roll on Table 750 - others to determine who died and then roll on Table 545 - Death Situations to determine how they died.
7 Parents/guardians die. Roll on Table 546 to determine the results.
8 Family/guardians are wiped out. Roll 1D6 for each family member/guardian, on a result of 3-6 that person dies. Roll on the table below.
1 : Disease
2-3 : A terrible fire
4-5 : War
6 : Someone's actions. Roll on Table 750 - Others to determine who caused the destruction.
9 A favorite, possibly valuable, possession vanishes. Roll on the table below.
1-3 : Lost
4-5 : Stolen
6 : Stolen and a fake was left in its place
10 One or both of the characters parents/guardians were outlawed. Roll 1D6, on a result of 1-4 only one parent was outlawed. Roll on Table 875 - Crimes to determine the crime they committed.
11 Character sold into slavery. Roll on Table 539 - Enslaved to determine specifics
12 Character receives a severe injury. Roll on Table 870 - Serious Wounds to determine the injury and then roll on the table below.
1-4 : An accident
5 : A fire
6 : Attacked by an animal
7-8 : Someone's actions. Roll on Table 750 - Others to determine who caused the injury
13 One of the characters parents/guardians is killed. Roll on the table below.
1-4 : An accident
5-6 : Someone's actions. Roll on Table 750 - Others to determine who caused the death then roll on Table 545 - Death Situations to find the cause of death
14 The character is banned from performing his occupation within his home nation.
15 If the character has a lover then something terrible happens to him/her. Roll on the table below. If no lover then roll over.
1 : Lover is unfaithful and leaves the character heartbroken
2 : Lover attempts to kill the character and then disappears
3 : Lover tries to kill the character but dies in the attempt
4 : Lover dies of disease
5 : Lover dies in a fire
6 : Lover dies in an accident
7 : Lover is killed by his or her former lover
8 : Lover disappears and is never seen again
9 : Lover declares that he or she is now homosexual
10 : Lover is imprisoned for a crime whether they had done it or not. Roll on Table 875 - Crimes to determine the specifics
16 Disease nearly kills the character and leaves permanent scars. Reduce Comeliness by 1D4 and gain DF - Scarred
17 War ravages the characters homeland. Roll on the table below.
1-2 : One additional tragedy
3-4 : Two additional tragedies
5 : 1D3 additional tragedies
6 : If character is over 14 years old he is drafted into the military, Roll on Table 12 - Military Experience. Otherwise 1D3 additional tragedies.
18 A fire guts the characters home and destroys everything he owns. Reduce wealth level by 1 level.
19 The character gets cursed. Roll on Table 868 - Curses for the specifics
20 The characters best friend dies. Roll on Table 545 - Death Situations to determine the specifics
21 Family estates are destroyed. Roll on the table below.
1 : A revolt
2-3 : A fire
4 : An unexplained accident
5 : War
6 : Someone's actions. Roll on Table 750 - Others to determine who caused the destruction
22 Imprisoned for a crime the character did not commit. Roll on Table 875 - Crimes to determine the specifics
23 Reroll but do not add your Social mod to the roll
24 Family loses all of their wealth. Roll on Table 3 - Igard Confederacy Social Status and subtract 30 from the roll to determine the characters new Social Status and Social Mod
25 Family disinherits the character. Roll on Table 3 - Igard Confederacy Social Status and subtract 45 from the roll to determine the characters new Social Status and Social Mod
26-27 The character is forced into a political marriage. If the character is already married then the spouse “disappears”. The new spouse dislikes the character and will cause problems for him for some time to come.
28-29 A shift in the economy causes severe inflation affecting even the wealthy. If the characters wealth level is above destitute drop it by 1D3 levels.
30-31 Reroll but do not add your Social mod to the roll
32 The chief source of the family's income is destroyed. Reduce the characters social status by 1 level
33 The characters family is stripped of all titles and lands. Reduce the characters social status to Civilian/Poor.

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roleplaying/hero/kamarathin/table_528_-_tragedies.txt · Last modified: 2006/09/18 20:12 by