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A dwarf of Bodwin's Howe, Patiramphes was born in the great dwarf city of Durgaron in the period before the Orcwar. He went with other refugees to the Ore Hills near the coast, but he soon left to become a mercenary. After serving for both Thestria and Montour in their wars, he accompanied Romenard I to Breakingdale in about 260.

He retired from war to the more peaceable pursuits of building and smithing in the town of Krother's Ring in 272. A few years later he disappeared from the Dale for a period, returning in 296 with a new wife and son. His old comrade Sir Robert Torsilley hired him to extend Bodwin's Howe, and Patiramphes moved to the new castle town on a permanent basis.

Very much an elder statesman of the village, Patiramphes now sits on the village council, and his family has expanded into the third generation.


A unit of currency. Worth 1/50th of a mark. Copper coins come in denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 25 pennies. See Money.


(b.339) A Ghorgandi woman that Sir Geoffrey Sabatier claims is the daughter of the last native King of Karakiraz and therefore rightful heir to the throne. Sir Geoffrey claims that Perizada was given into his safety by the last king of Karakiraz in 341, while still an infant. It is true that the king had declared that his daughter had died in infancy before the final Gel assault.


Small, primitive tribal humanoids who dwell in greater or lesser numbers on the fringes of civilisation. They have been around for as long as any culture can remember, and it is surmised that they were in ancient times much more numerous and widespread than they are now. They stand about 3-4 feet tall and are generally scrawny. They have a dull grey-green skin, mud-coloured hair and small, low-slung pointed ears. Most tribes live by hunting and gathering the local game and produce, but no small number of them also engage in raiding (thus the name). They are experts at the ambush, but cowardly and do not engage in stand-up fights. Some few tribes are more settled, and have even learned the rudiments of agriculture.

Most human cultures see Pesties as an annoyance, and have a general policy of evicting and moving on Pestie tribes that settle or are settled in lands claimed by humans. There have been reports that Pesties are often enslaved by orcs and forced to do menial tasks, but there have been no attempts by humans to do this - Pesties are seen as too dumb and too disorderly to be of any use.

Pillar Lords

See Lord.

du Plessey, Lord Raymond

Duke of Aguiliers, Marshal of Montour. (b.289) As a young man Raymond supported Prince Vandrad against his father King Michael III, despite the fact that his own father followed the king. He succeeded to the duchy soon afterwards, has remained a firm friend of the old king, and is believed to be one of the few people Vandrad can always recognise. For his loyal friendship Vandrad had his son Erling marry Raymond's younger daughter Isabelle. After an unfortunate defeat in Lower Breakingdale Raymond was made a captive of the Gel and was imprisoned in Karakiraz between 342-349. His dramatic escape is sung of by minstrels. The Duke's only son was killed by Hugo of Tharkad at the battle of Harloc in 351, leaving his oldest daughter and her husband the heirs. His wife was the daughter of the Vallioran Duke of Shaws, sister of the current Duke, and therefore a relative of Isabelle of Shaws, the captain of Konnradin of Raracas personal guard.

du Plessey, Lord Walter

(b.303). Lord Walter is a distant relation of the du Plesseys of Aguiliers, descended from a cadet branch that moved to Breakingdale in the third century. Lord Walter is a pompous and incompetent man who has developed a grudge against Sir Mordoc of Bodwin's Howe.

Lord Walter's surviving son, Gregory (b.327) is heir to Aguillion.


Unit of currency, worth 10 marks. Pound coins are gold and quite rare. See [CyclopediaM|Money]].

Prezmyra, Margravine of Sardeth

(b.312) The Margravine is very secretive, and is rarely seen in public. When she is she is always hooded and heavily veiled. None boast of knowing her face. Her will is announced by her Champion. During the Restitution she declared for Prince Erling, and resisted for a time the forces of Hugo of Tharkad, but her town was quickly compromised by his generalship and the Margravine herself was captured by the Count, though he treated her well and released her after his capitulation to the Prince. Sardeth itself was only little damaged, as Hugo was in too much of a hurry to subject it to sack, although the garrison he installed in the citadel caused some localised damage and terrorism. The ringleaders of this were hanged by the margravine after her release and Hugo's order for the garrison to surrender. She is a second cousin of King Vandrad (being the granddaughter of Michael II's sister).

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