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The Ravenar Sagas: Session 2

Things that happened

Built ship
Sailed in ship
got beaten up
a lot
nearly died

Finn's Journal
Needs to die,

Sending Finn back to guard his ship, rather than to die in the caves of the Wildmen, the rest of the group pressed onwards. Entering the big cave near the entrance you were confronted with a dozen more Wildmen, but managed to back into the narrow passage into the cave and prevent them from attacking your sides, eventually hacking your way through the otherwise overwhelming odds.

Stepping over the dismembered wolf-men and proceeding further into the pitch black caves, lit feebly by your torches, you discovered signs of skilled carving, unknown runes and worship of some large frog-like monster. Eventually ending in a room of seven doors where you were again attacked by Wildmen, only a half dozen, but these were female and larger than the male versions.

Following Svengar's instructions to go through the door opposite the stairs, you ignored the sounds of heavy breathing off to the side that were now more noticable, as the barks and drums of the Wildmen had fallen strangely silent. The doors to the prison were wood and showed again, unusual construction that doesn't fit with the Wildmen. Breaking down the doors you found 4 surviving males and Wanda. One of the males was in a stupor and needed motivation, Wanda was in a daze and needed to be led out of the caves.

Proceeding out, back to the big cave near the entrance, you were confronted with a monstrous bat winged, betentacled frog monster, which trampled, then grabbed at the group with its tentacles. Askell's short sword damaged it normally, but everyone else's weapons seemed to have little effect.

Killing the monster, you made it back to the ship, re-uniting Svengar and Wanda which woke Wanda from her daze. You proceeded with all speed (and no little skill) through the portal back to the seas of Midgard, and thence to Falkstad. Svengar gathered his silver coins from the house he stored them in there and paid the full bride price for Wanda. A large wedding was held in which Askell's reputation was in no way improved by his singing.

However, once back in Dagvell, with a bit of luck, and Bodvar's wish to out-do his rival, Ketil, a much large wedding was held. At that wedding Askell was able to perform well. Lands and riches were granted the crew of the Ravenar and status was gained. In the succeeding three years, many of the crew married and had children.

Updates to Characters

From player input and circumstances in the second session.

roleplaying/campaign/cthulhu/ravenar2.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/18 19:20 by