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games:board:mechabotsadvanced [2013/03/20 22:24] (current) – created - external edit
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 +======Advanced Rules======
 +  * __Connector__ - A counter placed to connect two things to form one object.  Weapon, Sensor and Turret connectors are 2 spaces big to connect to counters on the same chassis. They may not connect to counters on other chassis.  Horizontal and Vertical connectors are 1 or 2 spaces big and placed on a chassis and the chassis it is connected to.
 +====Advanced Components====
 +  * Multiple chassis-
 +    * Weapons may not fire through the arc of a connected chassis unless they are on a higher level chassis
 +  * Multiple chassis-
 +    * Sensors may not sense through the arc of a connected chassis unless they are on a higher level chassis
 +  * Multiple chassis-
 +    * Armour only protects the location on the chassis it is placed in.
 +  * Multiple chassis-
 +    * Every 1st level chassis in a multi-chassis bot must contain mobility counters.
 +    * No higher level chassis may contain mobility counters.
 +  * __Turret__
 +    * Turret counter may only be placed in chassis that do not have a higher level chassis on top of them.
 +    * Turrets do not function through arcs with chassis connected at the same level
 +  * __Horizontal Connector__
 +    * Size 1 counter
 +    * Multiple counters must be placed - one for each chassis.
 +    * Placed in an outer location on each connected chassis.
 +  * __Vertical Connector__
 +    * Size 2 counter
 +    * Multiple counters must be placed - one for each chassis.
 +    * Placed in the central location on each connected chassis.
 +  * __Communicator__
 +    * Size 1-7 counter
 +    * Placed in any location
 +    * Each counter increases the range at which the Bot may directly use the sensors of another friendly Bot.
 +When outside the city, resources must be found at scrapyards, dumps, trash heaps and other locations for mechanical refuse.
 +Every resource location in the rural environment only has a limited amount of usable components.  Before the game starts roll a D6 for each location.  This is the amount of times that location can be searched before becoming useless.  Place a counter on the location for that number.
 +====Finding resources====
 +  * Bots cannot find resources at resource locations, only Mad Scientists.
 +  * The availability of a resource is directly proportional to the nearness of a Bot to that resource.
 +    * Bots have superior sensors and increase the chance of finding resources the closer they are to a rural resource location (d6).
 +<html><table border="1" cellpadding="3">
 +<tr><th>Bot Range</th><th>Rural resource discovery chance</th></tr>
games/board/mechabotsadvanced.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/20 22:24 by