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Types of Terrain

Good Going

  • Per square
    • Cost : 1

The majority of The World should be terrain classed as Good Going“. Therefore it is the cheapest terrain to place”

  • Pasture
  • Large Open Field
  • Steppe
  • Beach
  • Gentle Slopes

Bad Going

  • Per square
    • Cost : 2
  • Steep Slopes
  • Rough Ground
  • Boggy Ground
  • Sand Dunes
  • Wood
  • Built Up Area (town, village etc)
  • Small Enclosed Fields

Water Features

  • Per square for 1 square wide
    • Cost : 1
  • Per square for 2 square wide
    • Cost : 2
  • Per square for 3 square wide
    • Cost : 3
  • Per square for 4 square wide
    • Cost : 4

Water features impede the use of magic.

  • Rivers
    • Must either go from one table edge to another, or end at another water feature.
  • Lake

Impossible Going

  • Per square
    • Cost : 3
  • Cliffs
    • Not passable by ground based units. If recoiled against, the unit is destroyed.

Placing Terrain

Terrain cannot be placed on the board in such a way that

  • On an empty area of the board containing no troops.
    • Cost : 1X
  • On Impossible Going
    • Cost : 2X
  • On Bad Going
    • Cost : 3X
  • On Good Going
    • Cost : 4X
  • On a Water Feature
    • Cost : 5X
games/board/hotgterrain.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/20 21:35 by