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factionpbta:players:characters:recruit [2020/06/28 16:58] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== Potential Recruit ======
 +The first session (or possibly more) of the game proper (after session zero and any housekeeping) will be primarily concerned with your recruitment.  You have a temporary playbook that will be swapped for one of the others when you join.  Possible playbook choices later would be - {{ :factionpbta:players:characters:recruit.png?nolink&200|Recruit}}
 +  * [[chosen]]
 +  * [[fighter]]
 +  * [[diplomat]]
 +  * [[killer]]
 +However if you choose to be a Gallifreyan (discuss this with the Grandfather) you can also choose
 +  * [[Homeworlder]]
 +  * [[leader]]
 +===== Background =====
 +Choose one- 
 +  * [[..:backgrounds:alternate]]
 +  * [[..:backgrounds:Collateral]]
 +  * [[..:backgrounds:disaffected]]
 +  * [[..:backgrounds:ex]]
 +  * [[..:backgrounds:Witchblood]]
 +===== Signature Move =====
 +You start with these Moves.
 +{{topic>moves +recruit +signature&nouser&noheader&notags&table}}
 +===== Basic Moves =====
 +Your first five advancements may come from this list.
 +{{topic>moves +recruit +basic&nouser&noheader&notags&table}}
 +===== Advanced Moves =====
 +If you have at least five advancements you may choose from this list. 
 +{{topic>moves +recruit +advanced&nouser&noheader&notags&table}}
 +===== Faction Rank =====
 +Choose which membership level you wish to be
 +    * None - you have no standing within House Paradox
 +{{tag>character playbook recruit}}
factionpbta/players/characters/recruit.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/28 16:58 by