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Nightmare Weapons

  • Hellbore (+area +discharge +hi-tech +far)
    This monstrosity resembles a shoulder-mounted missile. It fires a massive bolt of energy, which erupts into an expanding sphere of superheated death on impact. Once fired, it takes about 30 seconds for the reaction chamber to refill. It makes a distinctive whine during refilling and firing.
  • Swarm Projector (+AP +loud +area +far)
    A two-meter-long metal tube wrapped in thick black straps of unidentifiable material. There are no visible mechanisms integrated into it at all. When fired, a cloud of black mite-like particles rushes out of the end, enveloping the target(s). The mites chew away everything inside the cloud, leaving only bloody scraps. The mites are indiscriminate; if you get caught in the cloud, they will eat you too.
  • Psychic Drill (+stun +loud)
    A glassy sphere about the size of a large marble with a long, curved metal spike growing out of the side. When pointed at a sentient being, a lance of psychic energy bores into the victim’s brain, destroying tissue and portions of the mind alike. Whole sections of the victim’s memories and personality are removed. In NPCs, this effect is permanent; in PCs, it slowly returns after the damage is healed. Even though this weapon is +stun, it is still deadly.
factionpbta/players/gear/nightmare.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/01 23:17 by