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Drugs, especially hallucinogens and psychoactive drugs can be used in place of extra sensory powers or abilities including time sensitivity/witchblood. They often have ritual purposes. However there are always side effects.

  • Aralen Phosphate. Used to treat malaria. However if you have a high fever, no sleep and a body already poisoned with heavy drug use you may end up in a fuse state that leaves toy susceptible to possession1).
  • Yagé. Banisteriopsis Caapi is a plant found is South America. Highly toxic and may cause cardiovascular problems. Hallucinations and may increase time sensitivity2).
1) , 2)
The Ugly Spirit by Phillip Marsh in The Book of the Peace
factionpbta/players/gear/drugs.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/01 23:14 by