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Attributes aren't improved with experience, but with training. If you have the facilities available in your Coterie, you may use them to improve your attributes.

  • Training can only improve an attribute by +1, it's not cummulative.
  • No attribute can be raised above +3 through training


If you don't regularly train, your attributes will degrade back to their starting values. Any downtime you go through without doing the same training to maintain your attribute increases the likelihood it will degrade back to its starting value.

  • Your first missed training downtime your stat is reduced on rolling a 1 on a d6
  • Every additional missed training increases the odds by 1 (e.g. 3rd missed training you lose the increase on a roll of 1-3)
factionpbta/play/moves/train.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/02 19:22 by