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Act under Pressure

When you do something under pressure or endure duress1):

  • On a 10+, you do it.
  • On a 7–9, the Grandfather can offer you success at a cost:
    • a worse outcome
    • a hard bargain
    • an ugly choice.
    • Disadvantage going forward
    • Suffer 1 Stress
This move is a time-tested workhorse. It’s a catch-all for any occasion where you need to go to dice but there is no move that covers the situation in the fiction. It’s perfect for when there’s a race between a protagonist and someone else, a time constraint like a ticking clock, or whenever someone with means wants to keep a protagonist from doing something. The crucial factor here is the means. If there’s no conceivable way to stop a player character, there’s no real move to make; they just succeed.
factionpbta/play/moves/pressure.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/27 17:33 by