Acquire Asset
Make a resource available for the next scenario
Gain temporary use of an asset:
- One special item for you, or a set of common items for your coterie
- An expert or two family members of the next lower rank
- A vehicle
- A service. e.g. special transport or the use ofservices
Roll with no modifiers to determine the quality of the asset
- On a 10+, the asset is your tier +1
- On a 7-9, the asset is your tier
- ON a 6-, the asset is your tier-1
On your playbook under Assets, write the tier of the asset you have acquired. During a scenario you may declare what kind of asset it was and if appropriate, write it in your gear slot. You may use it until your next downtime.
factionpbta/play/moves/acquire.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/26 18:30 by